Richard Keys "City blow a fortune"

Uninformed simian spoofer. 'Impeccable source' about Pep being signed up in May panned out well eh ?
Milner first name on the teamsheet after Kun was quite funny tbf !
Utter shite, about what you'd expect from Keys though. Unlike many, I don't think he's actively trying to put us down or has set out to do so, I think he's simply too thick to write anything resembling the truth. Him and Gray are cringeworthy and it's pretty damning that Gray is the one who apparently is supposed to know about football.
What lost decade? What am I missing?

Putting aside if I agree or disagree with him, the points he make are the type of thing you would expect from a knuckle dragging baboon rather than a professional, highly expericenced broadcaster.
Oh, spotted a typo in that last post.

Should have read "would expect from a knuckle dragging baboon rather than a incompetent, sexist wanker who has the knowledge of an flea but things he's the second coming"

Don't know how that happened.

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