Richards Interview (The Sun With Quotes)

Slap a $20M price tag on him and watch people fall over themselves to snatch this "regular England star" off us!


Seriosuly, Mancini should simply tell the players that ANYONE who talks to the media about wanting out, wanting more games, or being unhappy WILL be put on the transfer list for what the club feels it would cost to buy a like or better player on the open market. And then put them in the reserves for a match or two and watch them piss away a season during their prime paying years! Fuck 'em! It is a 25 man SQUAD game and a long season. He was crap at the end of last season and has had a FEW good games this season. What a nerve!

Sounds to me like Micah is saying he is better than Boateng and Zaba. He has a point with the former's current form, but he is nowhere close to the all around form that Zaba shows week in week out, which is why Booby Manc plays him at RB, LB and CM when needed. Zaba is 3 years older than Mich, but plays like he is a veteran. Micah should drink a nice tall glass of STFU and WATCH Zaba perform....THEN come back and let us know what a star you are! I wonder if that ONE GOAL went to his head?!
the guy clearly must not watch videos of his own performances - he has been dramatically better since he faces competition - but even then that only means an OK squad player - as always he is self-delusional about his capabilities and quality
Micah seems to be back tracking on comments he made earlier in the Season when he said that all the new Lads coming in made him work harder and concentrate more. At best this can be percieved as badly timed. Still, he is a good player with a bright future ahead of him and our Captain did much,much worse. I've already forgiven him this.
Nice one Micah, rock the boat why don't you, you selfish prick.

Just makes me rate Zabba all the more, no nonsense performances and no crying like a woman.

As for him mentioning SWP and AJ, nice one Micah, I never knew you were a snide **** as well but now I know I can treat you accordingly. Cheers.
I feel for him and wish him the best of his career in City. He has everything to be start-up especially very solid in the air.
If only he can supply the cross precisely he can be start-up for City and England. I hope he can improve as he is still very young and potentially a good solid defender from our own academy. IMO
timing is shit again. bye micah. don't let the door hit you in the arse on your way out.
I could never have imagined he would be dumb enough to go to the press with this. What is he trying to achieve? What an idiot, and another one on the Ireland, Adebayor, Robinho scrapheap. Don't they understand how Mancini does his business?

Let's see how much match time he gets in the next few weeks.

But you guys are right. Any talking to the press without permission should be punished. Let's say a week's fine. Simple as that. Then it won't cost so much while they are sitting in the reserves either ....
TheMightyQuinn said:
Nice one Micah, rock the boat why don't you, you selfish prick.

Just makes me rate Zabba all the more, no nonsense performances and no crying like a woman.

As for him mentioning SWP and AJ, nice one Micah, I never knew you were a snide **** as well but now I know I can treat you accordingly. Cheers.

Agreed, just read the article and nearly spat my coffee out.

Stupid prick.
If he relly said all that.then it just confirms the stereotype of the pampered young footballer,totally out of touch with reality.
And as others have said-why is he giving "exclusives" to the shittest paper in shit street?

Thick twat.

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