
Jnr Kisby said:
Alan_Is_A_Blue said:
Just been in the city store in the arndale. Was looking through some shirts and noticed Bridge's new number is 2.

Micah on his way out i wonder?

I was in there this weekend too, saw a tall black man with dreadlocks who looked awfully like a footballer many of us know ;)

FFS, i've always wanted to meet Rufus Brevett :(
He'd be a great player but he makes silly mistakes. Hasn't really progressed as a player over the last 2 years.

Best years with us was at centre-back but doesn't seem to want to play there any more.
Prophet of Doom said:
It was the last part of the Jonathon Norcroft article in the Times.

Richards wont play for City again. The likes of Richards and Neddy are indications of the deep routed problems with young England players. Athletes not footballers.

Both are U21 regulars and great athletes, yet have ball control worse than you will see on a Sunday park. They both treat the ball like a hot King Eddy, and as someone said recently, watching them both move forward with the ball is like watching a dog chasing a balloon.

The thing I can't understand is that when they first came into the senior team their first touch didnt seem that bad, at least for players of their age. Everyone went on about how Richards was the product of a "Brazilian soccer school", could play any position. They don't seem to have improved their skill levels at all, in fact they seem to have gone backwards.
alera said:
Fairly damning comment on Richards in the Sunday Times. Refers to an allegeged discussion with Vieira. Apparently Vieira asked him what his ambitions are, he replied that he wanted to a regular for City, win things and play for England. Vieira looked at him with undisguised incredulity and said "Really, then why you are always last on the training pitch and first off it?".

Its its true well done Viera, its worth paying him £90k to sit on the bench if he can actaullay motivate some of our lazy players witht he wrong sort of attitude, Richards and Johnson being the prime suspsects.

Having won the World cup and pretty much everything else in football at least he knows what he is talking about.

Johnson's attitude is just fine. The problem is the fact that he's a kid who has been injured for three years, and has been consistently working his bollocks off to get back to fitness, then when he did, has been injured again almost immediately.
Damocles said:
alera said:
Its its true well done Viera, its worth paying him £90k to sit on the bench if he can actaullay motivate some of our lazy players witht he wrong sort of attitude, Richards and Johnson being the prime suspsects.

Having won the World cup and pretty much everything else in football at least he knows what he is talking about.

Johnson's attitude is just fine. The problem is the fact that he's a kid who has been injured for three years, and has been consistently working his bollocks off to get back to fitness, then when he did, has been injured again almost immediately.

Johnson >>><<< Bojinov
Jnr Kisby said:
Alan_Is_A_Blue said:
Just been in the city store in the arndale. Was looking through some shirts and noticed Bridge's new number is 2.

Micah on his way out i wonder?

I was in there this weekend too, saw a tall black man with dreadlocks who looked awfully like a footballer many of us know ;)

Ahh, Benjani.

He looks like a footballer when he's out shopping but when he's on the pitch he looks like he's aimlessly wandering around the frozen food section at Morrison's, occasionally stopping to smile and point at all the things he's about to put in his trolley.
Pearce_out said:
Micah richards is a fine athlete and a crap footballer. The following skills are below Championship quality

Positional Sense

4 critical traits of a defender. we wont regret letting him go, trust me.

Totally agree.

We have a similar situation with Mikel. Another great athletic speciman but simply not good enough week in week out to be relied upon (at least Richards scores the odd goal for you).

I would propose a swap deal only I don't rate either and you need another defensive midfielder like you need a hole in your arse!
Every flaw people are saying Micha has are the skills which improve with age.

RB is a dificult position to play, you need to have been playing there at the top level for at least 5/6 years before you start to truly get the feel of it, as most of what a class RB does is tactical, brainy and cannot be explained properly, they have to figure it out for themselves over a few years of playing at the top.

Richards will be one of the best RBs in the world one day, the only thing that could prevent that would be a big step down of clubs, or an even bigger concern, his injuries.
Pearce_out said:
Micah richards is a fine athlete and a crap footballer. The following skills are below Championship quality

Positional Sense

4 critical traits of a defender. we wont regret letting him go, trust me.

Yeh but he's good when its two against one though especially spit roasts

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