Right. So we are the new chelsea

gordondaviesmoustache said:
The idea that City used to be some form of fucking Kibbutz before the money rolled in, is quite frankly, comical and deluded in equal measure.

They're all crawling out of the woodwork today gdm, my rag sniffing nose is blocked from the stench.

Spare a thought for Ric and the mods. Poor fuckers will be pulling double shifts.
stony said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
The idea that City used to be some form of fucking Kibbutz before the money rolled in, is quite frankly, comical and deluded in equal measure.

They're all crawling out of the woodwork today gdm, my rag sniffing nose is blocked from the stench.

Spare a thought for Ric and the mods. Poor fuckers will be pulling double shifts.
You should offer your services, just for old time's sake like ;-)
simon23 said:
we are setting a dangerous precedent for ourselves with sacking Roberto like this......

if the next manager doesnt do as well as RM did there will be cries (led by the media) for more sackings.....and so the roundabout starts all over again.....just to continue selling their papers etc.

I will of course support the new manager 100% but I fear rough times ahead for the club from pundits etc etc etc......while all along utd and others just cruise along with the likes of liverpool and spurs continuing to narrow the gap back to us while we are preoccupied defending ourselves

We've had a rough ride from the media for 3 years, the supporters have backed the manager....but not a bit of it means diddly squat to the owner.

There is a wholesale clearout going on at the moment, from the 1st team manager to the under 18 manager, and the rest in between.

Maybe, when the dust settles, we will find out what has really been going on behind the scenes, and when we have all calmed down, read the press releases and watched the videos on the OS, maybe, just maybe, we will all be on here saying what a great, forward thinking club we are, the old guard had to leave, and the new guys will really be taking us forward.

I can't see what influence the media has on the club, other than pissing the fans off, but I really can't see a cull of so many people being undertaken without the powers that be looking around and thinking 'What the fuck is going on here?'

It's just my opinion, but there is a reason for it and I suspect it's for the best.
Fowlers Penalty Miss said:
simon23 said:
we are setting a dangerous precedent for ourselves with sacking Roberto like this......

if the next manager doesnt do as well as RM did there will be cries (led by the media) for more sackings.....and so the roundabout starts all over again.....just to continue selling their papers etc.

I will of course support the new manager 100% but I fear rough times ahead for the club from pundits etc etc etc......while all along utd and others just cruise along with the likes of liverpool and spurs continuing to narrow the gap back to us while we are preoccupied defending ourselves

We've had a rough ride from the media for 3 years, the supporters have backed the manager....but not a bit of it means diddly squat to the owner.

There is a wholesale clearout going on at the moment, from the 1st team manager to the under 18 manager, and the rest in between.

Maybe, when the dust settles, we will find out what has really been going on behind the scenes, and when we have all calmed down, read the press releases and watched the videos on the OS, maybe, just maybe, we will all be on here saying what a great, forward thinking club we are, the old guard had to leave, and the new guys will really be taking us forward.

I can't see what influence the media has on the club, other than pissing the fans off, but I really can't see a cull of so many people being undertaken without the powers that be looking around and thinking 'What the fuck is going on here?'

It's just my opinion, but there is a reason for it and I suspect it's for the best.

Bang on the money.

These two were brought in to look at the club from the top down and obviously they have advised the owners that all is not well so the cuts are being done.

Most of us Only see the manager and the first team but with the investment on the academy the club want to set a method developed.

Mancini does not fit into that, he buys players and has moaned all season about that.

Barcelona is a very good model, will it work here? We shall see.
We are City not Chelsea said:
Second post ever.
Note the user name.
Devastated on Saturday.
More devastated today as we all waited for this announcement.
Going off to be sick now.

Great choice of date for it too, will have to amend the 13.05 Blue Moon Risen Tattoo now.
I've got a rope for you..... Sniff sniff

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