Rishi Sunak

I always worry about people who stress 'decisive action'. It was one of Adolf's favourite constructions.

What these people fail to recognise (and I'm not sure that Labour is that better) is that commands from the brain require all your nerves and muscles to work if they are to achieve anything. And we have been smashing those nerves and muscles for years, so they are all basically fucked. Any fool can promise to solve this and improve that. Getting it done is the hard bit - many of the mechanisms simply don't exist anymore, or have been slashed to a shadow of their former selves.

This is why, for example, Manchester Council has to pay stupid amounts of money to private sector consultants just to draw up a development plan for an area. Something which, in days gone by, their internal team would have done for peanuts. Still, never mind. Someone in the private sector is raking it in. See also school improvement.
Is there a person still walking the earth who doesn’t know that a low (lower) positive level of consumer price inflation means that prices are still rising?

Given how many people made the point in 2023 I’m not sure there is.
Thereby Sunak has said something in his New Year address which is plainly untrue and misleading.

Lying rat faced ****.
To be quite honest, most people haven't a fucking clue about economics. Or indeed, many other things. So it's quite easy for politicians to give a varnished view.

Similarly, many people are absolutely fucking convinced we are 'better off' than Germany. This is something they have to believe, to justify their support of the ruinous Brexit. It's bollocks, as any reference to GDP/GDP per capita will prove, but they don't care.

People often believe what they want to believe. Not what is objectively true.
Thereby Sunak has said something in his New Year address which is plainly untrue and misleading.

Lying rat faced ****.
Brewster doesn’t care one iota how much this government lies or treats the country with the contempt it does.
There is nothing that they can do, however bad that will make him hold them to account.
People are fucking weird.

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