Rishi Sunak

A tiny part of me feels sorry for sunak, ok it doesnt really, hut the empathy in me always cringes a bit to see a man so way out of his depth and struggling.

His interview on GMTV this morning was another car crash. Claiming he was brough up in a family that struggled and he had to do without Sky tv!!!!
Man, just own that you were brought up in a privileged situation. Yep your parents came over with nothing and worked hard to provided the best for you and thats something to be proud of! Dont deny it and crack on you were skint because you didnt have Sky.

Hes floundering

He’s got to be taking the piss out of Starmer. I hope so because it’s pretty witty if he is.

I binned Sky off when they brought a stake in the scum.
He’s got to be taking the piss out of Starmer. I hope so because it’s pretty witty if he is.

I binned Sky off when they brought a stake in the scum.
You’ve answered your own question. There is nothing witty whatsoever about dead behind the eyes Sunak.
He’s incapable of having a joke, or at least a joke that’s not at the average joes expense.

It’s nice of the noble Tory voters to give him the benefit of the doubt in order to support him but sadly it’s not wit, just a fundamental lack of understanding his surroundings and what the real world is all about.
A tiny part of me feels sorry for sunak, ok it doesnt really, hut the empathy in me always cringes a bit to see a man so way out of his depth and struggling.

His interview on GMTV this morning was another car crash. Claiming he was brough up in a family that struggled and he had to do without Sky tv!!!!
Man, just own that you were brought up in a privileged situation. Yep your parents came over with nothing and worked hard to provided the best for you and thats something to be proud of! Dont deny it and crack on you were skint because you didnt have Sky.

Hes floundering

This is what I don’t get.

Having immigrant parents that came over with very little, grafted hard and made a few quid so their kids could be brought up in comfort should be something to be massively proud of in my book.

He should be owning that and saying look where hard work gets you etc.

He’s a total oddball.
You do get the sense they will likely descend into civil war for a while. In that case they may not make an effective opposition so you may well be right on having the Lib Dem’s take that role being a boost.
I'm not sure there are enough sensible / one nation Tories left to have a civil war, either in Parliament or in the party membership.
Its sort of post May really (the PM not the month) advance to Johnson and anyone of them that wanted to do something but had the nowse to ask themselves " if I do that what, if any are the consequences " - so Gauk, Clark, Stewart etc and so began the march to promoting intellectual political lightweights to get them where the are. Just heard him at the manifesto launch - its a wish list of the unachievable - he got loud applause when he said if relected they will improve planning to build new houses by "removing restrictive EU planning laws" !!! You know the EU we left over 4 years ago. All they have been about in the last decade is talk big but do nothing

I can't think of a single EU law affecting housebuilding except not polluting rivers or not killing wildlife or not building houses with poor insulation. No EU law says do what your Tory nimby homeowners say.
The state of the country is down to 30 years of mismanagement by successive government's imho.
Proportional representation finally makes sense to me - but you'd never get it through parliament where 75% are simply interested in self preservation
Honestly don't know who I'll vote for - just who I won't!
What happened in 1994? Rail privatisation?

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