Rishi Sunak

I suspect he was thinking back to his longer answer in the leadership hustings which went down reasonably well. He looked angry about the fact that people didn't realise he was actually in Kent, which does have areas of deprivation.

It's not true that the Tories took some of the money from poor areas in the North to give to poor areas in the South, but it is a better answer - and he looked offended when he said it, which worked.

Sounds like he's just remembered the bullet point, and that it went down well, so he assumes it's something worth smiling about. Probably need an advisor to give him the deprived/far away explanation one more time to see if it sinks in.
The Tunbridge Wells Manifesto:
“I managed to start changing the funding formulas to make sure that areas like this are getting the funding they deserve".

He was talking about undoing Labour policy that “shoved all the funding into deprived urban areas” (the red wall that voted for them). Even if he meant that rural and coastal areas have pockets of deprivation, I don't think he meant he was moving money to Blackpool.
It’s rather unedifying to see a politician, of any hue, slink out of the chamber when they know they are about to be questioned. It also makes a mockery of the ‘reclaiming sovereignty’ boast because there’s been nothing but contempt for Parliament and, by extension, public accountability.
Following in the footsteps of Truss who didn’t turn up for her urgent question only last week. Shows the contempt they have for parliamentary accountability.
Point the finger at his cabinet but he also had to dodge questions over his own integrity. Let's not pretend he is an innocent good guy in all of this. He's a posh prick who couldn't give a shit about regular folk.

I have to agree (although I still think he will be better than Truss and should have won in the summer, 7 weeks or so ago). He has got to be better than Boris Johnson too, who was a clown. Theresa May was also rubbish, a terrible communicator and a 'remainer' at heart even though she tried to enact the democratic result, she failed. As did Boris in fact - I don't believe the billhooks about "he got Brexit done" - Brexit still hasn't been 'done' - not really.

His comment as a young fella about having "working class friends, well not exactly working class" I can forgive. We all say stupid stuff when we are young and it is getting to the stage now that people getting to the top in politics in their 40s have this stuff thrown back at them - not so much the case for previous Prime Ministers, in the past.

But someone who is 42 and yet can't use a debit card in a petrol station is a bit strange.... he did have a laugh about it though afterwards.

I also think it a bit unfair that people bring up the fine he had to pay for breaching lockdown rules. Apparently he turned up to a work meeting early and got roped into a party - he doesn't seem the party type, doesn't drink for example (see below) so I excuse him for that.

However that leaked video of him speaking and indeed boasting in Tunbridge Wells (I think it was) that he had managed to get money originally planned for more deprived areas shifted over to them was not good, not good at all.

Finally, can I say I also admire him for being tea-total. The newspaper had it as tee-total yesterday, I don't know why. George Bush (the younger one) was the same, as was Donald Trump and I admire people who can do that even if they are rubbish in other ways. Especially Trump who did so because he lost his brother to alcoholism many years ago.
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Because that’s how you spell it, without the hyphen to be completely correct.
Thank you, I never knew that.

I always thought tee was the thing you put your golf ball on and tea was the drink, consequently being teetotal was not drinking alcohol as opposed to being addicted to little wooden (or plastic) sticks!
Thank you, I never knew that.

I always thought tee was the thing you put your golf ball on and tea was the drink, consequently being teetotal was not drinking alcohol as opposed to being addicted to little wooden (or plastic) sticks!
It’s actually a derivation of the letter T. It was started in the USA and someone used to write down the letter T next to people who had stated they would be ‘totally abstemious‘ and therefore practice ‘temperance totally‘.
They thus became known as T Totalers or teetotal as it was then spelt.
Thank you. I suppose I could have googled this but I didn't so it is kind of you to inform me. Didn't AA also start in America in the 1930s too?
Thank you. I suppose I could have googled this but I didn't so it is kind of you to inform me. Didn't AA also start in America in the 1930s too?
AA I don’t know about although with prohibition ending in the 30’s that would seem about right. The teetotal stuff was about in the mid 19th century, so about 100 years before.

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