no pm could survive the carnage of all the far-right anti-democratic policies inflicted on the vast majority of the UK. Despite the backing of the billionaire-owned msm, the naked voter-suppression, it finally dawned on enough voters that corruption and sleaze was deeply embedded in the tory party from the top down. Monetising a pandemic, contracts for backers and in Sunak's case family businesses,finally pissed off enough of their "i always vote tory because labour is for the underclasses" types. The shit-storm from brexit that enraged the racists farage fans by immigration still going up after the promise that non-whites would be "sent home" (ffs) predictably voted reform (ukip 02) The low turnout that the tories rely on was down to cross-party disgust by former supporters, who would never vote labour, see farage for what he is, and knew it would be pointless to vote. FPTP is the big fat elephant in the room, the labour party have neither the will or the balls to ditch it, or even defend it, the libs claim to want to will be airbrushed away should they ever be the main oppostion party...