Road rage

To be fair mate you dont sound like the most level headed driver yourself judging by all that

Probably not the most patient when people are just not paying attention. But i am courteous and attentive to other drivers needs.
I don't slam on then indicate at the last minute. I'm quite prepared to miss my turning and turn round further up the road for example. I look further up the road to anticipate problems, and i'm always willing to give way to others.
If i'm in a long line of flowing traffic and somebody has pulled the middle of the road to join i always drop back a bit and flash them in.

BTW, i've never had an accident in 33 years of driving. Mainly because i pay attention and expect bad driving.
I have a clean license because i don't speed everywhere i go and don't try and beat lights.

But i will fight fire with fire when others don't want to do the same.
On a duel carriageway the other day both lanes busy but there was a large gap behind me. I see a car in the lay-by move off with his indicator on saying he wants to join the duel carriageway. I cant move over as the outside lane is jammed, knowing the big gap behind I 'guess' he is judging his speed to join behind me. No just pulls out in front of me forcing me to brake hard. Lucky no one was behind me as i was getting ready to brake just in case this knobhead pulled out.
Once it was safe I flashed my lights and peeped my horn ;).
At the roundabout a couple of hundreds after he pulled out to the right as I came along side to turn left, he started peeping his horn , I looked over and he was shouting all kinds of abuse along with hand signs.
I have no idea what I did wrong ! He pulled out into a 70mph duel carriageway forcing me to brake hard yet in his eye I guess he thought he had right of way.
This again tends to happen alot round here nowadays along with the left lane turning righters !.

I was thinking are all driving test across Europe the same ? Is it only Britain where you give way when joining from a lay-by , and in the rest of Europe you can use any lane on a roundabout. I would have thought the driving test across Europe would be to the same standard but I would guess it isnt.

Because something has gone seriously wrong with the standard of driving in the last 10 to 15 years it never use to be this bad.
You didn't do anything wrong.The driver leaving a layby should judge your distance and speed to avoid you having to brake hard. Ignorance or impatience nearly caused this accident. It a good job you were paying attention and covering your brakes just in case!
My niece went under a rail bridge and had right of way . She's 3/4 of the way through and a car came bombing up the other way and should have given way.
The lad inside started flashing his lights, throwing his arms around trying to intimidate her.
She made sure her doors were locked and windows closed then she pointed at the sign which showed he should give way
He jumped out of the car screaming obscenities walking towards her and as he got to the front of her car she pointed to her dash cam. Apparently his face was an absolute picture
He stomped back to his car and reversed out of the way
The worst are the drivers who park up on the opposite side of the road facing the traffic and leave their lights on. It basically means you can see the sum total of f*ck all behind them, either on the road or pavement, and it's worse still if the road is wet. It's a nightmare as a cyclist because it also means you can't see hazards such as pot holes, drain covers and debris in the road, plus if the passenger decides to open their door at the wrong moment, you've got no chance.
I've come across that a couple of times in the past few weeks. Not only can you not see what's behind them but initially they look like they're driving on your side of the road, straight at you. A bit worrying for a split second or 2...
As you say, even worse still in the wet.
My niece went under a rail bridge and had right of way . She's 3/4 of the way through and a car came bombing up the other way and should have given way.
The lad inside started flashing his lights, throwing his arms around trying to intimidate her.
She made sure her doors were locked and windows closed then she pointed at the sign which showed he should give way
He jumped out of the car screaming obscenities walking towards her and as he got to the front of her car she pointed to her dash cam. Apparently his face was an absolute picture
He stomped back to his car and reversed out of the way

Your daughter did the right thing. There are some disturbed grown men out there, he shouldn't be allowed to drive.
I drive fast so i get annoyed with tail gating when it happens , i said before since the end of the first lockdown car drivers round here have been much more polite , it probably wont last i always give way and thank everyone , it is no effort to stick to the rules

Just an aside , the second mr k had a classic car with a massive engine and we used to play chase , lights out along a long straight country lane with a stream on both sides , madness but things you do when you are young and stupid

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