Robhino last night

I hope robinho plays 90 min against Scuntorpe so that mancini gets more options later !
me myself and i said:
the facts are hes not a great player, great players get on and do what the contract states. hes had plenty of time to settle but cant becuase hes weak mentally, im afraid thats now not good enough. you need that in the premier, it also has a bad effect on other players. hes had chance after chance and we wish he could do better, but he cant. some of you think hes a pritty boy, oh you great romantics the fact is this is football, nothing personal. let him go and we can move on. great result last night but still only half time!

me myself and i said:
i swear if i see the little prick hes on the deck. hes shown total disrespect too us all, typical brazilian attitude, we all owe him a living the backwerd corrupt ..cks!

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=158927&p=2845788#p2845788</a>

Seen him yet have you?

Video of Robinho and Jo after rag goal yesterday!

I thought it was interesting that Barry and Zab both said last night that Tevez deserved his goals because of the amount of work that he does for the team. I'm sure that they weren't having a dig at Robinho, but it would be great if he took their praise for Tevez on board and applied himself a bit more. The best thing for City would be if Robbie pulled his finger out and started to produce. If he can't see that the way he is conducting himself at present is tarnishing his own reputation then he is a fool. He now has a wonderful platform at City to display his talents so I hope he can get it together again, but if he can't be arsed then he has to go at the end of the season.
All he needs in my opinion is a boost of morale. Tin Hat donned!

If we get behind him, Mancini gives him some faith and he gets a few appearances under his belt then he will start to come good!
No player who is worth their salt would want to bench warm in the build up to a World Cup, regardless of what people might think, i can't see us ditching him before the summer, and i reckon Robbie knows this too!

Stop the bloody slagging off, he ain't shite, just needs a boost in morale!
TheMightyQuinn said:
Not seen the highlights yet so can't comment on Robinho's facial movements last night but for fucks sake, he didn't play and he still gets slagged on here.

Unless the rest of the bench all embraced Tevez and had a sing song which Robbie sat out then let it go for fucks sake. They're professionals, I'm sure Tevez didn't want or expect a fucking circle jerk on the bench when he was subbed anyway.

We've just beaten the rags for fucks a semi fucking final....without our strongest 11.....give it a rest.

spot on mate. Most City fans are great, but some will always find something or someone to moan about

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