Robhino last night

oh dear i think i scored a hat trick of repeats, shity computer. ha ha! nevilles got a big nose up bacons chops!
The abysmal nature of many threads on football fan forums leaves me amazed as to why our species was ever called Homo sapiens.
It's not worth slagging off a player that's allready peripheral and irrelevant. I do think we got battered last night, our midfield is nowhere near good enough and far too negative. How we managed to win that game still amazes me. Same again at the swamp and I'll be happy but it's the progress of the team I'm really interested in and to be honest I can only see half a dozen players that are good enough for a top 4 side.
Cmon lads!!He didn't even play last night.Lets face facts here,if he wants to go,he'll come out and say something.Thus far,nothing has been mentioned by robbie or his agent. Until then, i will continue to support him because he's a blue! Football supporters change like the weather,prime example, on this forum a couple of months ago there was people talking abou getting rid of Tevez,give me a break!! He's still a blue,support our own!!
Cmon lads!!He didn't even play last night.Lets face facts here,if he wants to go,he'll come out and say something.Thus far,nothing has been mentioned by robbie or his agent. Until then, i will continue to support him because he's a blue! Football supporters change like the weather,prime example, on this forum a couple of months ago there was people talking abou getting rid of Tevez,give me a break!! He's still a blue,support our own!!
Frank H said:
The abysmal nature of many threads on football fan forums leaves me amazed as to why our species was ever called Homo sapiens.
Homo sapiens = wise man
Most wise men know that Robinho is a bit poo and mentally imature and selfish.
His website is hilarious, saying how he played 5 minutes of a game and had a goal disalowed and just think what he could do in 90 minutes lol!
Not much is the answer to that.
Re: Robhino

nimrod said:
wrongun73 said:
its pretty obvious he wants out.
whats the betting he starts slagging us off once he leaves. its a shame because hes a great player, he either doesnt want to do it for us or he just doesnt suit the premier lg.

its not the prem its him, he was the same at Real, always on the bench etc, he's a luxury that no mgr can afford, when he's on the pitch its like were playing with 10....he showed us last year he could play in the prem, now he wont even put his foot in for a tackle........................................get rid FFS
He's only a luxury if we dont play him. If we play him he then becomes a liabilty.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Not seen the highlights yet so can't comment on Robinho's facial movements last night but for fucks sake, he didn't play and he still gets slagged on here.

Unless the rest of the bench all embraced Tevez and had a sing song which Robbie sat out then let it go for fucks sake. They're professionals, I'm sure Tevez didn't want or expect a fucking circle jerk on the bench when he was subbed anyway.

We've just beaten the rags for fucks a semi fucking final....without our strongest 11.....give it a rest.
thanks TMQ

Its amazing how some fans actually call themselves fans... one of the first thread yesterday after the game slagged Benjani off...

im ok with slagging him off (and if reports are right that adebayor is coming back im fairly sure he has played his last game for us)... but first i would be happy for the win, proud of how all the players battled and cameback from behind to win, then i would enjoy and ravel in that for a day... then i would start analyzing how everyone who played managed his game...
It's amazing how people will go out of their way and blame him for everything, he didn't play and still he is shite, a fucktard and everyone other dirty word you can think of. This is bullshit of the highest order, not even scum worthy, get a fucking grip.
It's amazing how people will go out of their way and blame him for everything, he didn't play and still he is shite, a fucktard and everyone other dirty word you can think of. This is bullshit of the highest order, not even scum worthy, get a fucking grip.

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