Robinho-I Can Be The Best!!!

doesnt it dawn on you that to win football matches, and as a result silverware, team spirit, team work and having the right players is paramount??
Hughes can pick 10 players every week based on what he sees in training
them 10 plus Robinho, regardless of how he plays, regardless of the fact he might decide to go home for a few days without as much as telling the boss
the other players are immediatly undermined, as is the manager

transfer window opens and its obvious a centre forward of stature is required; the owners try to sign Kaka
if Garry Cook hadnt ballsed the deal up, Hughes would then have had 9 players to pick every week plus Kaka and Robinho (although Kaka is actually world class and has a good attitude)
still no centre forward
at Chelsea, Jose Mourinho refused Abramovich's offers to sign some of the most glamorous names in world football, instead opting for the players who provided what his team needed.
two titles followed.
then in 2006, Shevchenko and Ballack were signed by the club.
Jose had to adapt his system, one which had brought him success.
they were on big money and had even bigger egos
the togetherness of the squad, the spirit which had been the foundation of the success
was tarnished
they didnt win the title

Real Madrid ignored the managers appeals for defenders and midfield anchors in 2003, instead giving him yet another galactico in David Beckham.
the team, despite containin 5 of the biggest names in world football, won fuck all
and unless Hughes is given full control over transfers/ team selection, City will not even catch Aston Villa (a team whos attaining success through shrewd buys and good management) nevermind Manchester United
and in response to 'eastlands oasis'
'at Blackburn to equalise,the game was hardly won by his less hyped team-mates on that occasion'

well actually Robinho was on the pitch for the whole game, and did nothing but miss another open net with a header.
Danny Sturridge, who by all accounts is a less hyped team-mate of Robinho, came one with 20 to go, volleyed one in and beat 2 men before playing the perfect pass to Robinho to slot away a relatively easy finish

so yeah it was
il padrino said:
and in response to 'eastlands oasis'
'at Blackburn to equalise,the game was hardly won by his less hyped team-mates on that occasion'

well actually Robinho was on the pitch for the whole game, and did nothing but miss another open net with a header.
Danny Sturridge, who by all accounts is a less hyped team-mate of Robinho, came one with 20 to go, volleyed one in and beat 2 men before playing the perfect pass to Robinho to slot away a relatively easy finish

so yeah it was

your original argument was that Robinho only starts to play when the game is already won...against Blackburn we were LOSING 2-1,against Stoke he scored all 3 goals,against Twente we were only winning 2-1,and against Arsenal only winning 1-0. I don't want a team full of Galacticos,far from it, but to say Robinho has done nothing this season and will never be the best player in the world is both blinkered and ridiculous. You think that the likes of Ben Mee,Vlad Weiss et al won't learn from having a player like Robinho in the club? they will thrive from it,class players bring out the best in their team-mates,just as having someone like Messi,Kaka or Villa would.
il padrino said:
not a chance of becoming the best player in the world
Messi was a better player than him at 17, Ronaldo is far more complete, Aguero has more talent and desire(and is years younger) Guiseppe Rossi, Andres Iniesta, Franck Ribery, Kaka, Del Piero, Zlatan and Samuel E'too to name just 10 of the top of my head, and thats just attacking players

Bellamy is more important to the club, and id rather have Santa Cruz partnering him than the skinny sex pest
he missed a 1-on-1 against Copenhagen which would have made it 3-1 and won the tie; against Middlesbrough he miised another which luckily went unpunished due to Afonso Alves trying to murder Shay Given with the ball and some good defending.
think back to Liverpool at home; 2 up, he had the chance to kill the game, but ballooned it over the bar from 4 yards

his goal tally is misleading; 3 against Stoke, who's defending that day was utterly shocking and two of which where put on a plate by Daniel Sturridge, and 2 against Hull, who were also awful at the back and were already beaten by Stevie Ireland's genuis
then you have a very fortunate deflected freekick against Chelsea, the 4th goal against a demoralised Pompey, a disputable pen against Newcastle

Robinho, as Capello and Schuster discovered, and Hughes is discovering, is not a match winner; hes simply a dancer who only comes out to play once the game has already been won by his more effective but less hyped team-mates.
You're a fan of his then?

Il Padrino, you are a muppet, take a good look at not just his goal tally, but how many more has he created... the best is always going to be subjective, but he is without doubt one of THE best players in the world and I for one am very glad to have him in the side I love!! FFS if that ladyboy one trick pony can win world player of the year then so can Robbie!
P.S sorry this was meant to be a reply not a new thread moddy please put it where it belongs.
il padrino said:
not a chance of becoming the best player in the world
Messi was a better player than him at 17, Ronaldo is far more complete, Aguero has more talent and desire(and is years younger) Guiseppe Rossi, Andres Iniesta, Franck Ribery, Kaka, Del Piero, Zlatan and Samuel E'too to name just 10 of the top of my head, and thats just attacking players

Bellamy is more important to the club, and id rather have Santa Cruz partnering him than the skinny sex pest
he missed a 1-on-1 against Copenhagen which would have made it 3-1 and won the tie; against Middlesbrough he miised another which luckily went unpunished due to Afonso Alves trying to murder Shay Given with the ball and some good defending.
think back to Liverpool at home; 2 up, he had the chance to kill the game, but ballooned it over the bar from 4 yards

his goal tally is misleading; 3 against Stoke, who's defending that day was utterly shocking and two of which where put on a plate by Daniel Sturridge, and 2 against Hull, who were also awful at the back and were already beaten by Stevie Ireland's genuis
then you have a very fortunate deflected freekick against Chelsea, the 4th goal against a demoralised Pompey, a disputable pen against Newcastle

Robinho, as Capello and Schuster discovered, and Hughes is discovering, is not a match winner; hes simply a dancer who only comes out to play once the game has already been won by his more effective but less hyped team-mates.

Wow u chat shit dont u,!!! Fair points all his goals but Portsmouth he was fuking emmence linked up well with all the team had a hand in all the goals, Stoke dont give a fuck u can only beat whats infront of u in a match he did that. He may not be on form but he is best palyer on our side and its a team game fuk wit!!!
hes a good player
just not as good as he thinks he is
never rated him at Madrid
think he has a negative effect on the squad
bad attitude, worse punctuality
would rather be a big fish in a small pond than try and establish himself at Real
says alot about him as a player and a person
we will have more success with the policy of buying the best players from other premiership clubs, its worked for United (Given, Bellamy...Santa Cruz and Lescott in the summer)
than trying to get big names will create divisions in the squad
il padrino said:
not a chance of becoming the best player in the world
Messi was a better player than him at 17, Ronaldo is far more complete, Aguero has more talent and desire(and is years younger) Guiseppe Rossi, Andres Iniesta, Franck Ribery, Kaka, Del Piero, Zlatan and Samuel E'too to name just 10 of the top of my head, and thats just attacking players

Bellamy is more important to the club, and id rather have Santa Cruz partnering him than the skinny sex pest
he missed a 1-on-1 against Copenhagen which would have made it 3-1 and won the tie; against Middlesbrough he miised another which luckily went unpunished due to Afonso Alves trying to murder Shay Given with the ball and some good defending.
think back to Liverpool at home; 2 up, he had the chance to kill the game, but ballooned it over the bar from 4 yards

his goal tally is misleading; 3 against Stoke, who's defending that day was utterly shocking and two of which where put on a plate by Daniel Sturridge, and 2 against Hull, who were also awful at the back and were already beaten by Stevie Ireland's genuis
then you have a very fortunate deflected freekick against Chelsea, the 4th goal against a demoralised Pompey, a disputable pen against Newcastle

Robinho, as Capello and Schuster discovered, and Hughes is discovering, is not a match winner; hes simply a dancer who only comes out to play once the game has already been won by his more effective but less hyped team-mates.

"il padrino"think back to Liverpool at home; 2 up, he had the chance to kill the game, but ballooned it over the bar from 4 yards

Reina flicked the ball on to Robinho's foot hence the ball flying over the bar. Fuck all he could have done about it.
I think Sunday showed the way ahead.

De Jong slotted into left midfield ahead of Bridge and behind Robbeh, it allowed Bridge to bomb forward and gave Robbeh a free role where he did a lot of damage and he created chances.

For the last couple of months his finishing has been very poor and he has missed a load of chances that he was putting away with aplomb earlier in the season. I thought he had been affected by the publicity surrounding his arrest and the AWOL incident on Tenerife.

Hopefully he will settle down now that Scolari has been sacked by Chelsea, the likelihood of him going there at the end of the season has greatly reduced.

For him to be regarded as the Best player in the world, he will have to develop the physical side of his game and learn how to tackle, I cant really see it myself, but it wouldnt hurt him to try!

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