Robinho speaks

Its a shame it didn't work out with him but I think the premier league was too physical for him, as well as problems with management etc.

I think the tempo in Italy will suit his style of play, but I'm not convinced he'll be a success at Milan unless he has a great start. Ibrahimovic, Pato, Ronaldinho then Robinho, can't see them all starting for them....will be interesting to see how he gets on.
Ragnarok said:
this is the link to the article

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -22537528/</a>

and here's the rest of the article

That was my problem. I am a special footballer and I need to be happy when Im playing.

That was the case at Real Madrid but never at City.

Robinhos appearance in Manchester on the last day of the summer 2008 transfer ­window sent shockwaves through football and heralded Citys arrival, in financial terms at least, at the Premier Leagues top table.

But the ­relationship between player and club never gelled and, despite assurances to the ­contrary given by the City ­hierarchy upon his arrival, Robinho believes the club still trail United.

He said: Perhaps I should never have left Real Madrid.

My destination was Chelsea with Luiz Felipe Scolari, but at the last moment City appeared and I accepted. I did not decide the transfer. Correspondence is always ­between clubs and I am not ­responsible for what anyone will pay. But Mark Hughes called me and insisted I joined the club. He was decisive in my move.

At the beginning it was ­positive, but England is a hard country and I had problems adapting.

Having Elano and Jo in the squad was a real bonus. They helped me to adapt but then Elano left I still dont ­understand the motives behind his exit.

I do not understand why ­people said things about us.We all ­demonstrated our quality in the team, and Elano and I were both then in the Brazil side.

Perhaps Hughes did not ­understand how best to use us both in his squad.

After that, Mark left and I dont think that Mancini had confidence in me. Going on loan to Santos was the best solution because, if Id stayed at City, I would not have played in the World Cup. The loan was very successful. I recaptured my love of football, won a title and ­confirmed my place in the Brazil team. It was an excellent ­experience and they tried to ­extend my loan, but City had made up their minds to sell.

When I arrived, the directors at City told me that, in a couple of years, we would overtake United, but the time has passed and nothing has changed.

Manchester is a sensational venue for football but an awful place to live ... the winter, the cold and the dark nights. Its very hard for a young Brazilian.

The Premier League is one of the best in the world, without a doubt. The stadiums are always full and the atmosphere is incredible. But not every footballer is able to play in England. The character can be difficult for a foreigner.

The best stadiums are Anfield and Old Trafford because of their histories, and my best ­memories will be my first goal for City and how happy everyone was with me, and the support City fans gave me during my stay.

Robinho denies there were any problems between him and Citys other big-name stars.

He said: People spoke about jealousy towards Carlos Tevez and Emmanuel Adebayor but that wasnt the case.

I always offered my best on the field but Mancini didnt seem to feel that I did.

He cannot wait to kick-start his career at the San Siro ­alongside compatriot Ronaldinho. He said: Im not trying to sound ­arrogant, but Robinho is not a player to sit around waiting on the bench or up in the stands.

Now I have joined up with Ronaldinho and to be with him is always a pleasure.

We have one of the best ­attacks in Europe Pato is a star and so is Zlatan Ibrahimovic and if everything works then we can win trophies this season.

Im a star player. I showed that in Spain but not in England. Now I hope to be successful in Italy.

Yet more sensationalist headlines to an interview that is absolutely fine.
Does the thick fu*k realise that Milan has the same climate as Manchester. We paid him millions to produce maybe 4 good performances in his city life and then feels the need to slag us off .

Rot you average little shit.
In that, if you read it correctly, he actually admits he failed in England.

Why then, is that so hard to grasp for some of our supporters?
leewill31 said:
hgblue said:
Bit inconvenient for the Robinho bashers that the stats don't match the rhetoric isn't it? Pretty decent return for a fella whose performing in the PL for the first time in a mid-table team imo. Who knows how he would perform with the top quality players we now have at the club around him? Unfortunately we'll never find out, much to the delight of those who are gloating about 'being proved right'.

i will just believe in what the man himself has said,he more or less admits he failed and could not cope with the premiership!

"The Premier League is one of the best in the world, without a doubt. The stadiums are always full and the atmosphere is incredible, but not every footballer is able to play in England. The character can be difficult for a foreigner"

talented player that bottled it in the end shame because i liked him.

-- Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:14 am --

hgblue said:
Bit inconvenient for the Robinho bashers that the stats don't match the rhetoric isn't it? Pretty decent return for a fella whose performing in the PL for the first time in a mid-table team imo. Who knows how he would perform with the top quality players we now have at the club around him? Unfortunately we'll never find out, much to the delight of those who are gloating about 'being proved right'.

-- Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:09 am --

One and a half actually. In fact, considering he was injured for virtually the whole of the first half of his second season, it doesn't seem fair to class that as a failure. Unless you deem players who are injured to be failures. Hardly seems fair to me, but fairness isn't on many City fans agendas when it comes to Robinho.

nothing to do with agendas mate as my previous post explains all i am doing is explaining why he failed as TFS asked!

Maybe the lad had unrealistic expectations, and he hardly played in the second season. Certainly not a failure.
At least he admits he failed in England and is too much of a shitbag and crap footballer to ever succeed here.

I can't actually believe a grown man has admitted he doesn't like somewhere because it's cold and dark, ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And he's a prick calling Manchester!!
C_T_I_D said:
In that, if you read it correctly, he actually admits he failed in England.

Why then, is that so hard to grasp for some of our supporters?

Why is it so difficult for some Robinho bashers to grasp that what he classes as failure, and what you class as failure are two completely different things. He came to City to win things and to help to replace United and Chelsea as the top teams in this country. In that respect, and for some of the reasons he outlines, he failed.
i think there`s a theme forming here. Petrov,benjani and now robinho all having their little pop at us,aw what a shame eh! .All three of them couldn`t muster a bead of sweat between them,petrov was the laziest fucker i know,robinho didn`t realise there was 10 other players on his team and i`ve seen milk turn quicker than benjani,such a shame players go crying to the press,sour grapes and go fuck yourselves....

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