Robinho speaks

"I cant offer my best performance if Im not happy in every aspect of life."
So now city are responsible for ever aspect of his life? Fuck me it's hard work this owning a football club lark. I thought you just paid them to do what they're good at, play football. I didn't realise you had to make sure they didn't get nappy rash. Or didn't buy shiny toilet paper by mistake.

I wonder where you get shiny toilet paper from? They used to have it in school (70s/early80s) but I've never seen it in the shops. Whoever thought that shiny paper would work to wipe your arse was either a idiot or a sadist.
peacefrog said:
"I cant offer my best performance if Im not happy in every aspect of life."
So now city are responsible for ever aspect of his life? Fuck me it's hard work this owning a football club lark. I thought you just paid them to do what they're good at, play football. I didn't realise you had to make sure they didn't get nappy rash. Or didn't buy shiny toilet paper by mistake.

I wonder where you get shiny toilet paper from? They used to have it in school (70s/early80s) but I've never seen it in the shops. Whoever thought that shiny paper would work to wipe your arse was either a idiot or a sadist.

Pschology is hugely important in professional sport. If you doubt this, just look at Rooney's performances at the World Cup. The top managers understand this, and spend an enormous amount of time and energy getting inside their players' heads. Understanding what makes people tick, and removing all potential obstacles to them producing their best, could just be the difference between winning and just falling short.
jay_mcfc said:
manimanc said:
i think there`s a theme forming here. Petrov,benjani and now robinho all having their little pop at us,aw what a shame eh! .All three of them couldn`t muster a bead of sweat between them,petrov was the laziest fucker i know,robinho didn`t realise there was 10 other players on his team and i`ve seen milk turn quicker than benjani,such a shame players go crying to the press,sour grapes and go fuck yourselves....

Where's his little pop?
in brazil isn`t he?
JoeMercer'sWay said:
leewill31 said:
how could you explain that he didn't fail in the premiership?

top goalscorer for us in his 1st season, injured and then gone in the 2nd, so yeah, he wasn't a failure, just wasn't anywhere near what he could be for us.

so he failed then!

failed in my eyes and most city fans and admits it himself so yes he was a failure for Manchester city.

there is a bigger picture than scoring 14 goals in a season for us and cant be used as an excuse that for some reason it did himself justice.
leewill31 said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
top goalscorer for us in his 1st season, injured and then gone in the 2nd, so yeah, he wasn't a failure, just wasn't anywhere near what he could be for us.

so he failed then!

failed in my eyes and most city fans and admits it himself so yes he was a failure for Manchester city.

there is a bigger picture than scoring 14 goals in a season for us and cant be used as an excuse that for some reason it did himself justice.

Forlan failed, Crespo failed, Veron failed. Robinho never.<br /><br />-- Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:11 pm --<br /><br />
MCFC BOB said:
I made a thread this time last year about Robinho being a money-grabber and being selfish, and you all slated me for it.

Well look'ee heeeeere! :D

if he was a money grabber, he woud of stayed here.
This article doesn't use any quotes whatsoever?
I spent all morning looking through Portuguese press to find NOTHING (I will be using all caps like this shite newspaper). It is very ODD considering the "quotes" from this article are in pretty good ENGLISH, and since Robinho doesn't speak English FLUENTLY it makes me WONDER. THAT and expressions like:
"HATED living in cold, dark Manchester;" are mentioned nonewhatsoever by Robinho himself in the article. It is very misleading and typical shite English press that all of you haters were so eagerly waiting for. Since you were waiting for it so badly you just gobbled it up and didn't even bother to comprehend it! What a JOKE!

Bigga said:
Well, having read the article, I don't see what he 'said' that was negative. He 'speaks' of his own personal experience and, in fact, says we were brilliant supporters to him.
So... why is everyone so het up??
FantasyIreland said:
Baffles me why anyone would buy such a 'news'paper?? They are full of fucking nonsense!
Just don't purchase and save yourself money and anger.
hgblue said:
Bit inconvenient for the Robinho bashers that the stats don't match the rhetoric isn't it? Pretty decent return for a fella whose performing in the PL for the first time in a mid-table team imo. Who knows how he would perform with the top quality players we now have at the club around him? Unfortunately we'll never find out, much to the delight of those who are gloating about 'being proved right'.

One and a half actually. In fact, considering he was injured for virtually the whole of the first half of his second season, it doesn't seem fair to class that as a failure. Unless you deem players who are injured to be failures. Hardly seems fair to me, but fairness isn't on many City fans agendas when it comes to Robinho.
hgblue said:
C_T_I_D said:
In that, if you read it correctly, he actually admits he failed in England.

Why then, is that so hard to grasp for some of our supporters?

Why is it so difficult for some Robinho bashers to grasp that what he classes as failure, and what you class as failure are two completely different things. He came to City to win things and to help to replace United and Chelsea as the top teams in this country. In that respect, and for some of the reasons he outlines, he failed.
Benarbia's Fat Dad said:
As usual the opening headlines are sensational but, having read the rest of the article, are hardly representative of what he actually said.

Well said lads.

supergrover said:
ha ha ha ha wheres joga bonito this morning? there called quotes my friend and this may be the start to help you with your journey down the river de'nile but i suppose you will think its hughes and bobby mancs fault and that manchester is a bad place to live.
said it before and say it again robinho says whatever suits his surroundings at the time it's like listening to a ten year old, never thought i'd say it but i am really happy this guy has gone.
now lets see if the milan fans swallow as much of his shit as many of ours did.

Said it before and I'll say it again: there still haven't been any direct quotes, as this article oddly didn't use any quotation marks and used a lot of bold statements which when finished reading the article aren't true at all "ie. cold, dark Manchester." I asked for direct quotes (most likely in Portuguese). I still don't have them.

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