Robinho - What Could Have Been?

remoh said:
conormcfc said:
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
You're right, you are wrong. He's never scored at Stoke.
He scored a hat-trick at home against them though.

Robinho was made the scapegoat for EVERY poor away performance in his first season here. People didn't seem to realize that we had another 10 players on the pitch with him and that he was being man marked by 2 or 3 players every game.

You know why he was marked by 2 or 3 players? It was because he took so long doing stepovers for his first defender, that two or three more had all the time in the world to stroll over to him.
In that season when he got his 14 goals, by the way, he never scored after 28th December!
Hughes had nothing to do with his signing, which has already been pointed out and still he gets the blame.

Im Pretty Sure he Scored Vs Westbrom and Blackburn around March/April 2008/2009 season
He was a classic "Rabbit Slayer" looked great against the smaller weaker sides at home, scored 14 in his first season, but a fair percentage were for example the 4th in a 4-0 win (you get my drift - no need to mention the times he scored the 1st goal in a game).

He didnt do what our current crop of players do, and are capable of - turning matches & winning games.

He was certainly no Tevez, who for me was the real important galactico signing of the Hughes era (NDJ & Vinny have been the best - but Tevez really did get the attention).

Robbie was a shit Adam Johnson!
Dale Blue said:
He was a classic "Rabbit Slayer" looked great against the smaller weaker sides at home, scored 14 in his first season, but a fair percentage were for example the 4th in a 4-0 win (you get my drift - no need
Robbie was a shit Adam Johnson!

Scored v arsenal and Chelsea.good point.
I did mean to include the "dont mention Arsenal & Stoke".

You know what I mean!!!

He was more likely to nick the last goal in a romp, rather than the winner in a tight game at the swamp!
Under-rated and over -rated in equal measure, that lad. If he hadnt gone when he did (in the january) bob wouldve kicked him out long since, he was a bit of a sulk and i reckon bob had his number inside 30 seconds flat. I dont think he'd have really wanted to learn and thats what would have finished him off
Dale Blue said:
I did mean to include the "dont mention Arsenal & Stoke".

You know what I mean!!!

He was more likely to nick the last goal in a romp, rather than the winner in a tight game at the swamp!

Also this^^ I don't think he had the stomach to take a match say against the rags and show em how it's done. Also he has a face you just want to punch a thousand times.

Decent player, no stomach for anything more than playing through the motions though imo. I never saw a desire to be a world beater or even a champion in him, as skillful as he could be. Put all his flaws in the mix and the fancy stepovers quickly get swept away by a lack of fighting spirit, pac, tackling, tracking back when needed..
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 407078.stm</a>

On the iPad so can't see vid. Remember it though lol. Does it still work?
tolmie's hairdoo said:
That **** Hughes has plenty to answer for, this, more than anything.

He hung that lad out to fucking dry in some team selections.

Robinho in this current team and we would go very close to winning everything, including the Champions League.

Don't have a bad word to say about the lad.
Don't agree. Compare Robinho's attitude from day one with some of the players who are now first team regulars. He never wanted to be here long term and he never had the mental attitude that this team/club needed from a player that was going to make up the jigsaw puzzle.
You can't have eleven players who are there simply because they can turn it on a bit when they want; you need much more than that and sometimes you opt for players that can blend in and bring something that the others don't. Look at some of the players we had under Mercer: Coleman, Book, Pardoe etc etc. Hardly world class but fantastic in the way they played the role given to them.
Robinho's long forgotten us and I think we should do the same.
Has much in common with Adam Johnson regards playing attributes but more tactically aware and slightly more skilful, questionable whether either are up to featuring heavily in a top prem side.

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