
The problem as i see it that he is obviously a very talented player but in the premier gets starved of time and space on the ball which wouldnt happen as much in spain, he will never run around and tackle he is not that sort of player. I dont think it is down to a lack of effort as much as getting frustrated with his game, i see it has a veron situation, a very good player not suited to the english game.
You are all missing the point. Robinho is a fucking world class player and can be up for it when he wants (see Brazil games). IMHO he just doesn't want to be in the UK. Locked into a contract...what do you do? I'll tell shit and get transferred to somewhere nicer.

Robbie will be gone this window and I'm a bit fucked off about it but I think it is inevetible. Bobby Manc showed some balls by pulling him off today (no pun intended). It is a battle of wills between Bobby and Robbie. But Robbie wants out anyway, so no chance there.

About the game...they played us off the fucking park. We were crap. Even worse, I work with 2 Evertonians, so I am in for some shite next week.

And as a final comment...I'm a Hughes outer. Just didn't post much about it because this site got a bit tetchy. Mancini will give them a kick up the arse, I have no doubt. And if Robbie is at John Lennon tomorrow, that will get the message across. Oh, wait...he pulled him off...message already delivered.
mammutly said:
Robinho has not suddenly lost all of his great skill and talent. He is clearly lacking confidence, fitness or both at the moment, but the children on here who condemn him as being hopeless just show everyone how clueless about the game they really are.

Robinho is still a great player, he just isn't showing it at the moment. That's something I hope Mancini and the coaches can help him resolve. I say that because I want to see the real Robinho playing for City.

i totally agree m8,me and me and TMQ have been banging on about this for a while but what is the most frustrating part of all this is the fact we have a world class player that is playing like a championship player atm and can understand some of the frustration of some fans on here...
I've given him the benefit time and time again.
No more.
I hope to god I've seen Robinho's last game.
Robbie should be put on the next plane to Dubai and made to look after our chairman's camels. That way he could repay a bit of his transfer fee as he aint earning his wages with us at the moment.
DalbeyINUK said:
Ducado said:
One thing I noticed at Blackburn and in this match as soon as he came on the performance started to go down hill (IMO)

Noticed that myself. Could either be a ginormous coincidence or damning evidence.

Also great improvement today when SWP came on
Barry Conlons wig said:
ox-blue said:
Love him to bits but this is the end

love him to bits, he's a fucking lazy piece of shit, I'd stick the lazy twat in the reserves and let the fucker stew, I'm sick to death with the robinho is god brigade, he's a wanker of the highest order

didnt realise god botherers cheat on there wives

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