
hgblue said:
.allan said:
One he has been injured for most of the season so lacks confidence in himself and fitness so time to get back and fit. I dont think we are carrying him we'd have been no better or worse with or without him today its not like he is bringing the team down or stopping us winning.

Buy hey im just an admirer of Robbie so i guess it doesn't matter what i say people will try and pick holes.

Forget it mate. The hoardes have decided. Bluemoon's official new scapegoat is Robinho.
He's not a scapegoat, he's just clearly not a Premier League player. And never will be.
cubanheels said:
didactic said:
My, my, my what fickle mutherfuckers you all are.
No wonder Rags say its a small club mentality, im actually at the stadium while
you sit and post shite about players. Bet most of you are Johnny Come Lately fans
anyway. I hope Robinho leaves he was only our best player last season and
takes all you fickle fans with him.

The real fans know how good a player he is and a great free kick and penalty
wont change that.


You fucking prick thats all i can say,i hope somebody asked you for the time on the walk to the car !!.
Robinho is dog shit,light weight,arrogant,a pussy,faggot get him a one way ticket on Sleazy jet to Barcelona in fact get two then you can go and kiss his arse on the flight.

robbie's form has dipped since elano went IMHO. i really believe in my heart, that he doesn't want to be here, he'd be happier with the spanish weather/style of football. he has definitley been a passenger of late, but i still hate slating him while he is wearing this.....

OK, we'll start with the fuckwit disclaimer...

it wasn't Robbies fault for a piss poor performance today (although he strongly contributed)
it wasn't Robbies fault that we have a thick **** as a centre half who wanted to exchange shirts during the game
it wasn't Robbies fault that a poor freekick was given & converted
it wasn't Robbies fault that he never took a player on & hasn't for some time
it wasn't Robbies fault for the fucking Haiti earthquake
it wasn't Robbies fault for...(fill in your own reason to distract from the point)

One thing you can't "fill in the blank" is his own performances this season - that is his responsibility & he has to accept that responsibility. The fact is, he isn't interested - he's Brazilian in a world cup year - that is more important to him. Nothing will change this.
No one is going to buy him as he doesn't equate to "value for money". When he puts in his "I don't give a shit` performances then you can see the whole team get deflated - it happened again today. I get the impression that his own team mates are turning on him - he isn`t producing but still acting like a Berty Big Bollocks.

He also needs to lose those yellow boots or put some fucking studs in them!
Breaker said:
Dickov 99 said:
If Robiniho had half the passion that Bellamy and Tevez show then yeah great I will support him.

But in my opinion that ill never happen and as a season ticket holder it takes the piss that while I work all week to watch this tosser not give a damm!.

Funny how there is no Robinho type at United, Arsenal or Chelsea!

Berbatov, Arshavin, Malouda.

I can accept Berbaflop to be fair. But the differnce with these three (as much as I hate to admit it) is that they still have a positive influence, especially Arshavin, christ I would have him over Robinho right now!.

The fustrating thing is when (and it will be when) he leave soon he will no doubt shine at Barcelona or anywhere else but with him not trying in our side we will have someone else who will be.
Robinho has not suddenly lost all of his great skill and talent. He is clearly lacking confidence, fitness or both at the moment, but the children on here who condemn him as being hopeless just show everyone how clueless about the game they really are.

Robinho is still a great player, he just isn't showing it at the moment. That's something I hope Mancini and the coaches can help him resolve. I say that because I want to see the real Robinho playing for City.
It was all Robinho's fault we lost today. Everyone else was fantastic, Bellamy was probably the man of the match.
.allan said:
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
He wasn't injured for most of last season and was still shit away from home. So your point is irrelevant.

You're having a laugh.

Pick holes?! Are you serious?!

Ok, how many MOM performances did out 'world class' superstar have away from home last season?

Well OK sorry sir, 6 weeks is still enough time to lose form and fitness.

You keep trotting out that red herring.

He wasn't injured for any great length of time last season, yet was still shit away from home.

How does your 'injured' excuse explain that?

Pick holes in what i say.

Mate, I don't have to pick holes in what you say. There are already big yawning chasms in your arguments.

I really dont mind i have my opinion i want him to suceed where other seem to want him to fail.

No one wants him to fail. But we can see reality. He was wank away from home last season. He has been wank in the games he's played this season.

Fans are getting sick of it in game after game.

He's supposed to be a world class player, according to himself.

Where's the evidence?

There is none. He was shocking today, like so many other games.

Mancini saw it today. He hawled his lazy ass off the pitch.

Take your blue tinted specs off.
Looks like he's played his last game today and yet again we will sell a player at a loss. He's probably worth between 8 and 10 mill right now which is pretty shocking. Saying that not many clubs will want to touch Robbi after his stay at City. Its clear he's nothing but trouble where ever he goes.

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