
******** C'mon lets start singing it again *******




bizzbo said:
interesting isn't it, he is obviously very upset with the adulation and attention focused on tevez. mancini is doing the right thing by not protecting him, but not singling him out. this is just a normal life situation. it's up to robinho whether he uses it as a spark to get some form going, or sits their in the stands looking blank. either way, we're doing fine without him.

so please, consider it this way. by making a 70 page thread and going so far over the top with some of your criticism, you are actually giving a naughty child the attention he craves. he's like every other member of the squad. he either performs or he doesn't get his stage to perform on.

2 things bizzbo old bean. How is it obvious he is upset? also why do you think he will love the attention of a thread on bluemoon?
gilly_27 said:
just like to give my 2 penneth'

Robinho is class, whether he fits into out team may take a little more effort from both parties....

when he came to the club he wanted the club to change its attitude regarding winning games... he wanted to win them all matter the opposition... i do not doubt that he wants to be the best... i wish other players would believe in their abililty, as does he..

When Ronaldo, started over the otherside i remember him being ridiculled for his flamboyance theatrics and lack of workrate... but at least they believed in him....

Ronaldo is on a different cloud to Robbie when it comes to football mate and was always destined to become one of the VERY best players in the world.Anyone who couldn't see that even in the days when he was being ridiculed at the age of about 19 does not know much about football.
sorry, exactly what are you saying then?? my fellow city fan!

Craig said:
gilly_27 said:
just like to give my 2 penneth'

Robinho is class, whether he fits into out team may take a little more effort from both parties....

when he came to the club he wanted the club to change its attitude regarding winning games... he wanted to win them all matter the opposition... i do not doubt that he wants to be the best... i wish other players would believe in their abililty, as does he..

When Ronaldo, started over the otherside i remember him being ridiculled for his flamboyance theatrics and lack of workrate... but at least they believed in him....

Ronaldo is on a different cloud to Robbie when it comes to football mate and was always destined to become one of the VERY best players in the world.Anyone who couldn't see that even in the days when he was being ridiculed at the age of about 19 does not know much about football.
Robinho: 'No fall-out with Mancini' - Exclusive

Robinho has insisted he has not fallen out with Roberto Mancini and vowed to prove his worth to the Manchester City boss.

City's £32.5million striker suffered the indignity of being taken off with half-an-hour left in a 2-0 defeat at Everton last weekend, after himself coming on as a substitute.

The Brazilian stormed straight down the tunnel, fuelling rumours of a fall-out with Mancini, who left him on the bench for City's 2-1 Carling Cup semi-final win over Manchester United.

But Robinho, a summer target for Barcelona, has vowed to prove he has the work ethic to be a success at City, after being criticised for his perceived lack of effort and commitment.

"I don't have a problem with Mancini," said Robinho. "It's normal for a player to want to play but the coach makes the decision and I accept it.

"I've spoken with Mancini. I know what he expects from me and I'll work hard to do that for the team.

"I'm a professional, I'm dedicated and I always give everything in training. It's untrue to say otherwise.

"I want to be successful at City, I don't want to leave. I want to win things here and that's why I left Real Madrid for this challenge.

"What happened against Everton was rare. It's rare for any player to be substituted after coming on. But again, it was for the team.

"I don't think my World Cup place is at risk. The Brazil coach, Dunga, knows what I'm capable of and has confidence in me."

Robinho admitted it was hard to accept playing no part in City's epic win over United on Tuesday as Mancini overlooked him on the bench in favour of three other substitutes.

But the Brazil star said he respected Mancini's decision and vowed to prove he is worthy of inclusion in the team for next week's decisive return leg at Old Trafford.

"The Carling Cup is our first big chance for a trophy," said Robinho. "For me, it will be very hard not to play in the return leg against United.

"I wanted to play in the first game but the coach decided against it. It was a great game and these matches are always special.

"City have a 2-1 advantage from the first game but matches at Old Trafford are always difficult."
We all know robinho can be a world class player. he has the skill, the determination, the hunger, but he needs something to motivate him! So for me, robinho has to stay, because were not going to buy strikers with his calibre.

Although i hope we do :p
gilly_27 said:
sorry, exactly what are you saying then?? my fellow city fan!

I was just saying don't bother trying bo compare the two because Robbie is not worthy of it.Or is not allowed because Ronaldo played for the rags?
><((('> said:
We all know robinho can be a world class player. he has the skill, the determination, the hunger, but he needs something to motivate him! So for me, robinho has to stay, because were not going to buy strikers with his calibre.

Although i hope we do :p

I agree with 1 out of 3....he has the skill, but I'm yet to see the determination and hunger. Surely determination and hunger equate to motivation ?? Simply saying that you want to win and be the best in the world doesn't mean a thing. Actions speak louder than words !
gilly_27 said:
just like to give my 2 penneth'

Robinho is class, whether he fits into out team may take a little more effort from both parties....

when he came to the club he wanted the club to change its attitude regarding winning games... he wanted to win them all matter the opposition... i do not doubt that he wants to be the best... i wish other players would believe in their abililty, as does he..

When Ronaldo, started over the otherside i remember him being ridiculled for his flamboyance theatrics and lack of workrate... but at least they believed in him....

When he gets a few consistant starts, you will all be eating your words...

how many were raving when he came... i was !!.. now we got him we dont want him... sounds like a f**ked up attitude... we were never like that....

****SO, GET OFF HIS BACK and start singing 'WE GOT ROBINHO' again**

..and see how he reacts....

always nice to here a cheer.. C'mon you blues ..

what a total load of crap, do you honestly thinking that any player who pulls on the mighty blue shirt want to lose, the thing is if Robshitio wants to prove that he want to win ever game do something about it.

He as had many many many opportunities to show and has faltered ever time, he is a lazy overpaid brazilian gobshite.

"I want to be the worlds graetest player" and in the words of Jim Royle "MY ARSE"

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