ROMA AWAY - All E Tickets sent out


Having just read through this thread don't tell me you've just blocked/banned the kid from Crumpsall,that is a piss take. The trip is too expensive and all this "because Spike keeps us safe" so I don't mind paying more is laughable...The constant blowing smoke up Spikes arse is laughable as well while we're at it..We've booked for Rome at a fraction of the cost of but then again we don't all need to hold hands at the airport "to stay safe"...Get a grip..

A banning order of Mark Clattenburg proportions. Get a grip "mods", you're acting like traffic wardens!

middletonblue said:
Having just read through this thread don't tell me you've just blocked/banned the kid from Crumpsall,that is a piss take. The trip is too expensive and all this "because Spike keeps us safe" so I don't mind paying more is laughable...The constant blowing smoke up Spikes arse is laughable as well while we're at it..We've booked for Rome at a fraction of the cost of but then again we don't all need to hold hands at the airport "to stay safe"...Get a grip..
I DONT THINK PEOPLE ARE BLOWING SMOKE UP Spikes arse ,oviously the people who have been with him before enjoy the trips & willing to pay extra for hassle free trip that is there choice you dont need to have a dig at them .the lad from Crumpsall made his point (a few times) no-one needs to get there knickers in a twist or keep making the same point .the choice is simple .go on trips the way you want ,it is a free choice .iwouldnt pay the money Spike wants for a one day trip but i wouldnt slag people of who did. where does it say "Spike will keep us safe"

Bit of overkill from the mods I think. You need to consider how it comes across when a few of you take up the same issue at the same time.

Anyway, back on topic. Spike's trips are value for money because what you buy is what you get (plus a free badge). You don't have spend days searching for flights and hotels or go via there, there and everywhere. I've done Europe away games in a few different ways and Spike's trips are a good service at a fair price.

Out of interest do other companies get a sticky on main page for these things?
thinking of sallythe cat and the munich express lot for instance and Mac and his lot in spain?
i wouldnt expect thomas cook to get a sticky
ive travelled with both sallythe cat and macs lot and theyve been class
obviously, both the aforementioned have a different set up
I genuinely interested how these things pan out - is it a sticky because spikes are lot tried and tested? is it a sticky because blue mooners expect it?

So, let's get this right: someone thinks Spike is charging too much and says so. Cue apoplectic rage from several folk, mods included. Fuck me, has it really come to this - this is a FORUM, not an official website. A place to debate, a place to hold views, for and against, and if that means unnerving a few of the regulars then so be it.

Imagine: A forum where we talked about the local bus fares. You indicate you don't think fares reflect current pricing and are, to put it mildly, a rip-off. You outline what competitors can do for a fraction of the price. You'd be lauded for helping fellow passengers out, not vilified. If folk want to criticise Spike, fucking great - I've travelled with him several times but I would never deny anyone the right to crib, complain, compare or abuse his costs. The day we do that, welcome to

PB - Just which part of the CoC has C.Kid not met? is there some sub-section that states "posters shall, at all times, post positively about people who are given unfettered access to the board to make money for their own business"?

Fucking bullshit. This board deserves better.

johnnytapia said:
So, let's get this right: someone thinks Spike is charging too much and says so. Cue apoplectic rage from several folk, mods included. Fuck me, has it really come to this - this is a FORUM, not an official website. A place to debate, a place to hold views, for and against, and if that means unnerving a few of the regulars then so be it.

Imagine: A forum where we talked about the local bus fares. You indicate you don't think fares reflect current pricing and are, to put it mildly, a rip-off. You outline what competitors can do for a fraction of the price. You'd be lauded for helping fellow passengers out, not vilified. If folk want to criticise Spike, fucking great - I've travelled with him several times but I would never deny anyone the right to crib, complain, compare or abuse his costs. The day we do that, welcome to

PB - Just which part of the CoC has C.Kid not met? is there some sub-section that states "posters shall, at all times, post positively about people who are given unfettered access to the board to make money for their own business"?

Fucking bullshit. This board deserves better.
TBH with you i wan't around when this went off but i do take umbrage at the way you have responded

there was no 'apoplectic rage', imo
people are allowed to hold opposing views on the matter, in fact de niro said he was doing the journey under his own steam, as am i
the issue, i believe, surrounded the poster's insistence on continuing his views in this thread after being asked by the mods you have accused to start a new thread to show better and more cost effective ways of getting there
i may have included my own had he done so

clearly this shows that the main point made by crumpsall wasn't being denied him, he was just asked to make his point elsewhere

for whatever reason, this thread is here by Spike to let blues know about his trips
Ric, who is the site owner, has final say on who can and can't advertise on his site

hope this helps

squirtyflower said:
johnnytapia said:
So, let's get this right: someone thinks Spike is charging too much and says so. Cue apoplectic rage from several folk, mods included. Fuck me, has it really come to this - this is a FORUM, not an official website. A place to debate, a place to hold views, for and against, and if that means unnerving a few of the regulars then so be it.

Imagine: A forum where we talked about the local bus fares. You indicate you don't think fares reflect current pricing and are, to put it mildly, a rip-off. You outline what competitors can do for a fraction of the price. You'd be lauded for helping fellow passengers out, not vilified. If folk want to criticise Spike, fucking great - I've travelled with him several times but I would never deny anyone the right to crib, complain, compare or abuse his costs. The day we do that, welcome to

PB - Just which part of the CoC has C.Kid not met? is there some sub-section that states "posters shall, at all times, post positively about people who are given unfettered access to the board to make money for their own business"?

Fucking bullshit. This board deserves better.
TBH with you i wan't around when this went off but i do take umbrage at the way you have responded

there was no 'apoplectic rage', imo
people are allowed to hold opposing views on the matter, in fact de niro said he was doing the journey under his own steam, as am i
the issue, i believe, surrounded the poster's insistence on continuing his views in this thread after being asked by the mods you have accused to start a new thread to show better and more cost effective ways of getting there
i may have included my own had he done so

clearly this shows that the main point made by crumpsall wasn't being denied him, he was just asked to make his point elsewhere

for whatever reason, this thread is here by Spike to let blues know about his trips
Ric, who is the site owner, has final say on who can and can't advertise on his site

hope this helps[/quot

SF - De Niro said, and I quote, to save any doubt.

"if you are not travelling, or thinking of travelling with spikes comepany why not just stay out of the thread. particually if you have come on just to have a popbt "

Spike is clearly given preferential treatment in being allowed to have his prices and details bumped to the top of the main forum. I have absolutely no quibble with that - BUT, it cannot surely be right that posters aren't allowed to say they think his prices are excessive, cheap, shite, brilliant whatever.
Otherwise we're no different than the official site and I thought this was a forum, a place to debate, argue, agree etc.

I'll ask again - what part of the Cofc did C.Kid break? I'm not aware that dinting Spike's profits was one of them. Maybe I'm mistaken.

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