ROMA AWAY - All E Tickets sent out


cheddar404 said:
Loukas said:
I'm probably gonna go on the spike trip. My arse not being slashed is worth the extra £50 or so.

Are metal underpants included in the cost? Is there an arse-slashing levy that's not been mentioned?
GDM is apparently providing all kinds of relevant armour.

gordondaviesmoustache said:
cheddar404 said:
Loukas said:
I'm probably gonna go on the spike trip. My arse not being slashed is worth the extra £50 or so.

Are metal underpants included in the cost? Is there an arse-slashing levy that's not been mentioned?
Don't knock till you've tried it, I reckon.

It's just that I would have thought being in a large group of clearly City fans would attract more attention than travelling on your own with a couple of mates.

cheddar404 said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
cheddar404 said:
Are metal underpants included in the cost? Is there an arse-slashing levy that's not been mentioned?
Don't knock till you've tried it, I reckon.

It's just that I would have thought being in a large group of clearly City fans would attract more attention than travelling on your own with a couple of mates.

That theory is all well and good until you and said mates after a drink or six wonder into a side street with "Ryan Giggs is Illegitimate" blasting out from inside a bar....and you think that sounds like a good place to get a drink!!

Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
cheddar404 said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Don't knock till you've tried it, I reckon.

It's just that I would have thought being in a large group of clearly City fans would attract more attention than travelling on your own with a couple of mates.

That theory is all well and good until you and said mates after a drink or six wonder into a side street with "Ryan Giggs is Illegitimate" blasting out from inside a bar....and you think that sounds like a good place to get a drink!!

This is very true. Damn that hairy beast with the questionable parenthood.

Prestwich_Blue said:
Crumpsall abroad said:
Try this de Niro,
It is a rip off. I've made about 40 posts on Bluemoon in about 4 years so I'm not a professional poster , you seem to have made 52000. That's a lot of opinions. I think you need to get out more often rather than making a dick off yourself. OK, 'sunshine' ? I think we've exhausted this one.
You're the one making a dick of yourself. Do you charter planes for a living? The plane that Spike has chartered has to make 4 trips; inbound from wherever it is to Manchester, the return trip from Manchester to Rome then back to wherever it needs to be. That's four lots of fuel and four lots of crew wages, plus all the other costs. You're travelling on a scheduled flight which you can pick and choose plus they aren't too bothered if it's full or not. Also Spike's flight's from Manchester, saves having to shlep to London or wherever and gets people back for the following morning. That's quite important to some people believe it or not.

When I went to Madrid I'd just finished a freelance contract implementing a new system at one of the big banks but two of my mates Who went were still working on that job. As freelancers, we only get paid for what we do so by getting back to work the next day, they didnt lose an extra day's revenue, which is a few hundred quid. So it's worth paying say £100 extra, to ensure you earn an additional £500.

I'd love to spend a few days in Rome and could do it quite cheaply, as my loyalty points with an international hotel group means I'd get the hotel for peanuts. But with Xmas meaning more time off and no money, plus my main corporation tax bill to pay in January, I really can't afford to do a long trip for the game. So the one day trip is worth it to me.

If you're happy with what you paid then great. But give over slandering a guy who is trying to make a living.
Too many dicks on here for my liking

cheddar404 said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
cheddar404 said:
It's just that I would have thought being in a large group of clearly City fans would attract more attention than travelling on your own with a couple of mates.

That theory is all well and good until you and said mates after a drink or six wonder into a side street with "Ryan Giggs is Illegitimate" blasting out from inside a bar....and you think that sounds like a good place to get a drink!!

This is very true. Damn that hairy beast with the questionable parenthood.

Going dressed as a priest, hope it works, might even get a few free drinks. :-)

Try the new underwear range from Kevlar Klein.

I have traveled to Rome many times and the surrounding country side
Transgressed the catacombs and underground honeycombs of the deceased and walked the walk with the zombies and not such much as a Boo from one of them even though I had by City shirt on !
Frolicked in the Trevi fountains and danced the dance with the big boys in the Colosseum and not even a fat-lad slap did I receive for my troubles even when I openly demonstrated my martial art skills with the Gladius Hispaniensis
combined with a rolled up copy of whats on in Rome.
All completed whilst slightly under the influence of of Peroni and not so much as a raised eyebrow from them
I have jaspered cockwombled and trans-versed the infamous Appian way and was never threatened with a woman slap or crucifixion as was the wicked way back in the day with undesirables on the cobbled dusty road to Rome.

Its all about how you carry yourselves in life Mooners so try not to fret.
I don't want to elaborate much further before the watershed by going into paragraphical rants concerning my in depth training with SBS field craft or yomping and tabbing.

But again its how you project yourself s in country
Field craft is not just about lighting fires with flint or drinking your own piss.
Be aware of your surroundings without your surroundings being aware of you.
If you look worried then you need to be worried
Relax and put the citizens of Rome at ease
Drink responsibly and always on a bed of pizza margarita
Line the stomach and you indeed line the mind !

Urban legends and that is all
However asbestos and Kevlar Klein gruds are good to go as is remaining with the herd near the watering holes

More chance of getting royally mugged in an ice cream parlour
Fifteen fooking euros for two pistachio cornets with not a flake in sight !

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