Rooney Charged 2 game Ban

Jackson-ctid said:
....All the daft bastards on sadcafe who've quoted the post and decided to have a giggle should read what I actually wrote.
I wouldn't give what is posted on there a second thought. Home for the bewildered, that place.
camelcoat said:
Jackson-ctid said:
Arsenal and City have a better squad than United. Fact.

United have one of, if not the best manager in the world. Fact.

Was it the manager who has scored the goals? Oh I remember Fergies scissor kick in the derby.

Give your head a wobble.

Did you really post that or are you on a wind up.??<br /><br />-- Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:51 pm --<br /><br />
lmjones1uk said:
Trying not to be bias but Richards is in my opinion one of the best RB's in the league right now, Capello must need to go to spec savers..

Rapheal(sp), his biggest talent is being a dirty little twat.

Tried taking out Drogba last night and did his knee in..bwahahaha
Viva Rivaldo said:
waspish said:
Fergie!!! Before he came to your club! Your club you had then was a million miles away from what the club is now! Liverpool laughed at your trophy haul and took the Mick! 26 years don't you think that is embarrassing? 1 person got your leagues and cups you have now! And when he goes what's to say you won't go back to before Fergie came?!
Like I was saying, historically, there's a boom and bust cycle.

Logic suggests that we won't be as successful when we lose one of the best managers in history. We'll still have huge expectations though, regardless of who's in charge. You're right, we have come on leaps and bounds under Fergie, but we're one of the biggest clubs in the world now, and sensible decision making after he leaves could ensure that it stays that way.

Sensible post! from a rag!

I feel though your board will have to be very strong after Fergie goes! because your fans will be moaning like fuck if your new manager, god forbid was to lose 3 games on the bounce!...............................
Viva Rivaldo said:
Danamy said:
The evidence is there for all to see the success you've had in the past and well done for that, but things are changing, the tide is turning.

Move over as there's a new kid in town.......................
What I don't get from some of you City fans is why you think that your team getting better somehow ensures United's downfall.

Sure, you're now more competitive, will probably win trophies, perhaps even beat us more often, but in my opinion it's just like when Chelsea got all rich. We'll still be challenging for the trophies, and to think otherwise is not only naive, but arrogant.

We only bought three youngsters in the summer, 1 of whom has already been condemned as a flop, and we're still challenging on three fronts. Success is a hell of a lot more than finding the right players.

It is, but Fergie has had years to assemble his latest team, spending a fortune in the process. Read 'Pay as you play' and you'll find, based on inflation, that you have 3 of the most expensive teams in PL history - including this one.

There are 2 issues here, You have only had to improve 1-2 positions per season because of previous spending. We've had to do it in one hit.

More importantly though, you are now being forced to improve these 1 or 2 positions by buying the youngsters you talk of as the impact of the Glazers really begins to have an effect. This summer will be very interesting, you need a new keeper, Scholes/Giggs replacements and if Wio's back carries on the way it is - are you confident Smalling is the answer?

The point is you can not expect to only bring in 2-3 youngsters every summer and keep challenging. You are challenging now because of previous spending on Wio/Shrek/Berbatov etc. Time will eventually find you out.
u2fme2 said:
well i hold my hands up i throught the FA would bottle it

They needed to set a benchmark and have done so..2 game ban for Rooney and for anyone else in future stupid enough to do what he did.

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