Roque Santa Cruz [merged]

I really do not think that we as a club are so stupid as to pay 15/18 million pounds for a player with serious ligament problems...
Ricster said:
I watched Jo for a season in Russia via links, and also watched him at the start of the season for us. He's twice the player RSC is, yet MH has a problem with him.

Dont care what anyone says. I have morale's.

Well, let's just agree to disagree, then.

IMO, RSC is a top class striker - and don't forget, Sven wanted him but was a week too late as he'd already agreed to sign for MH.

Sure, there's an injury risk, but so what? We'll have other players to cover for that, and if he is fit, we'll at least have a plan B, which we certainly didn't have last season (Caicedo? don't make me laugh, he's nowhere near the real deal, not for a season or two, imo; he's a CF who doesn't know even know the off-side rule yet, and Jo, who MAY be promising, but no more than that).

As a result, for most of the season we played without a target man of any sort; not many other teams did that.
niallerbluemoon said:
Look Hughes got the best out of RSC before whats the say he wont get it out of him again?

You're not suggesting that MH, who has worked with him at close quarters and got his best season out of him knows better than Bluemoaners are you? Whatever next :)
I'm right behind Hughes and the club on this signing Hughes has worked with this player so he must know his worth i do think the fee is little high though but i think he will have a good season
GStar said:
Ricster said:
I watched Jo for a season in Russia via links, and also watched him at the start of the season for us. He's twice the player RSC is, yet MH has a problem with him.

Dont care what anyone says. I have morale's.

We thought Jo was a donkey, Everton fans thought Jo was a donkey. You may well have moral's... you also seem to have an agenda.

Hopefully his agenda is to stay away from the COMs because as I;ve said hundreds of times I'd rather have 20,000 people who get behind the team and the manager than 48,0000 who go to moan / look at people weird if they sing.
Ricster said:
bizzbo said:
Ricster said:
Do you lot think Samaras was worth £6m?

Thats exactly what we have for the money here.

calm down dear, it's hardly worth getting your knickers in a twist over us signing a single bloody player.

Its the principal. What part of that do you lot not get?

Now that we have paid £18m for RSC, we are going to get fucked over on every transfer from now on.

Wake up ffs.

Wake up? Have you seen the prices this summer? If we went for Fabiano, how much do you think he would cost? 30-35m? Crouch? 15-20m?

I agree that 18m is more than I'd like us to pay, but we will get screwed over prices regardless.

And btw, if Jo IS sold (although I don't see many clubs banging down our door), how much do you think he would raise?

Seriously, the principle here is trivial. It's not our decision to make, it's not our money to spend. We have to back our manager's judgement and then wait and see how things turn out. Ok, you said some things. Big deal. If he bombs, well, that's when you should start foaming at the mouth. I dont see the point in winding yourself up over stuff you have absolutely no control over.
Ricster said:
I watched Jo for a season in Russia via links, and also watched him at the start of the season for us. He's twice the player RSC is, yet MH has a problem with him.

Dont care what anyone says. I have morale's.
What you have is **** for brains.

Morals is the word you were looking for. No apostrophe required, and it would be inanppropriate anyway.

I don't understand how you could be knowledgeable to watch Jo in Russia yet you seemingly know nothing of Santa Cruz's playing history. If you do, and you still hold the same opinion, that is even more worrying.

2 World Cups and Champions League Final, but not good enough for MCFC!!!!
GStar said:
Ricster said:
I watched Jo for a season in Russia via links, and also watched him at the start of the season for us. He's twice the player RSC is, yet MH has a problem with him.

Dont care what anyone says. I have morale's.

We thought Jo was a donkey, Everton fans thought Jo was a donkey. You may well have moral's... you also seem to have an agenda.

What agenda? I just want whats best for the club, and paying £18m for a one season wonder who will be lucky to play 10 games is a waste of City's time and money.

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