Whilst I am of course not for a second saying that individuals should not be accountable for their actions (or in this case inactions), the issue is not one of individuals but of society. Until we all admit and recognise that nothing will fundamentally change.
These crimes need to be seen in the wider context of society perhaps finally confronting the very uncomfortable truth. That the sexual exploitation, abuse and murder of children has been occurring throughout history, in our and most societies.
Ok, we don't like it and hence some of the predictable " lets point the finger" narrow minded and simplistic attitudes which achieve nothing other than a sense of individual moral self worth and ultimately just reinforce the deep rooted issues we all must face as a society. For too long we have collectively ignored how many vulnerable kids are treated. Why? Because to admit and confront the truth is deeply disturbing to us all.
But confront it we must, collectively and all accept responsibility and accountability rather than burying our heads in the sand and looking for scapegoats to make ourselves feel better when the truth does out - as it seems it is now more and more at last.