RSC. It's bite the bullet time

DontLookBackInAnger said:
I think the biggest issue with him was yesterday, our whole plan of attack was based on him being successful up top, which he clearly wasn't and what's more unlikely to be.
Kin ell he never got one decent cross ,he has played about 90 mins all season,the problem was that our crossing was shocking especially from seany and bellamy.
However this is not the end of the world as we played poorly as a team shit happens ,santa will be dynamite once he is match fit and he gets some decent service . come on city lets ave it .
David Whites 4th said:
Joycee Banercheck said:
That's fair comment. And I agree with you. I was only on this thread to say that to have a go at RSC now is premature.

I agree it is premature and have said a few times on this thread my issue is more he shouldnt have been put in the line of fire until he was at least 80% fit as people are already going to be watching him closely due to his price tag.

Bluemoon115 - I think it is silly to suggest we have a striker crisis and therefore had to play RSC. Who are the "new Bolton" that your talking about?! I go back to what I said before we should be playing it on the floor not lumping it up to a target man! Are you suggesting we should play long ball with the squad of players we have?! I think you are the one being silly myfriend.
The new Bolton are Birmingham, they kick & hoof, done it every game they've played.

And to only be bale to play it one way (along the floor) against a team like that would not have worked. With RSC, we had the option of playing it along the floor, along with the high ball when needed.
David Whites 4th said:
Bluemoon115 said:
What players are these then?

I will give you a clue they were both on the pitch, one of which was being played as a winger! Like I say we have the players at this club to play football on the ground using our midfield rather than bypassing them with the big boot to a very unfit target man. Yes it would have been a small in height forward line but it would have then been a good idea to keep the football on the ground and use the talent that we've brought in.
You mean play the striker we played as an ineffective winger as a striker and play the winger we left on the bench as a winger? It seems a bit radical but you might just be onto something there.
sweep said:
David Whites 4th said:
I will give you a clue they were both on the pitch, one of which was being played as a winger! Like I say we have the players at this club to play football on the ground using our midfield rather than bypassing them with the big boot to a very unfit target man. Yes it would have been a small in height forward line but it would have then been a good idea to keep the football on the ground and use the talent that we've brought in.
You mean play the striker we played as an ineffective winger as a striker and play the winger we left on the bench as a winger? It seems a bit radical but you might just be onto something there.

ha ha ha! Yes I do but I know it's asking alot. The great leader must know best!

Bluemoon115 - I don't agree with birmingham being the new Bolton but agree RSC does give us the option of doing both but only if he's fit there's no point playing him if he isn't based on that as he clearly couldn't do either. When the ball went to his feet he ended up on his ass and when it went to him in the air he was no where near it.
Let's face it-RSC had one decent season at Blackburn that preceeded half a dozen at Bayern where he did pretty much jack all.
Last season he was injured,then in the times he actually made it onto the pitch did very little in the games I saw.

So far,he looks excatly what it says on the tin-a player returning from a long-term injury,with little pace or mobility,but who with the right service from wide just might-just might-score 8-10 goals a season.

If MH can get whatever he sees in him back for us,then we've got a player.
If not-he could be the new Fowler.

Before the insults begin,that's just how I see it.Sorry.
Just don't rate him and never have.
Well I for one believe he's the real deal and the jewal in the crown for Sparkeys set up. He's gonna be the new Van Basten he's got everything pace, skill and a great first touch. This guy is gonna be right up there with some of the great city legends of our time along with Sparkey who is already looking every inch the Joe Mercer of the modern game. Positivity folks we don't need these negative vibes its destabalising the club. Its time stand up and be counted and get behind the manager again

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