Running thread

will be depressing, no crowds or anything. Got up to 20 miles training few months ago - so it’s doable. Don’t care about time.

Incredible that mate, a real achievement as would be a marathon.

Really important to mark milestones. Intend to book myself a reward for this years running when things get back to normal like a half marathon and a foreign footy match somewhere.
will be depressing, no crowds or anything. Got up to 20 miles training few months ago - so it’s doable. Don’t care about time.
You have inspired me - was not remotely in the mood to go for a run this evening but I went out for 4.2miles (what's that about 7 and a bit kilometres?). That takes me to 3 days on the bounce of running (with 2 days on the bike prior to then).

Knees held up alright........
Just looked through my posts in this thread and it's been a journey. I started running at 37yo in June 2018. I was 14st, chubby, with a BMI of 27.4 (overweight).
I'm 39 next month and despite a hip tear that kept me out for 7 months or so, I'm down to 11st 12lbs, soft around the stomach still but fairly lean everywhere else, and BMI of 23.2 (healthy).

I just read back my first attempt. Round the block (which was about 2.2miles) lasted 6 mins and I stopped about a mile from my house, and remember wondering why my legs had given up on me despite the fact I had plenty of breath. It was like concrete blocks on my feet. So I found slowing the pace down enabled my first to run a consistent pace and get to 1 then 2 miles distances. As I reached 3.5 miles, I encountered an injury - a tear in the hip/glute area that stopped me running for 7 months of so.

Cheers to people that advised on the importance of core exercises and perils of muscle wastage. Also for the recommendation to try and do fast shorter runs to complement the longer ones. In between my two runs a week, that would then slowly build up to longer distances, I bought two 5kg weights from Decathlon and created my own core and strength training plan - I just lifted some exercises from the below and put my own A4 page together. At first I did it all in one go, now I split it into two days. A foam roller has worked wonders too.

When feel fatigued from longer runs, I opt to do weights one week, and in the other, I do some of these (as well as a few sit ups)

I've just completed my 4th 10k in a month and run between 8.25-8.55 pace which is amazing considering I used to run 2 miles at 10.30/mi pace.

To help anyone else that might have been in my postion (starting late in life and from scratch).. as well as the great people of bluemoon, I also found this channel a real help for technique:
This guy was great for trainer review/advice:

My running gear is:
Nike Pegasus 35 trainers (my favourite bit of kit)
Hilly socks to stop blistering.
Decathlon Running Shorts (best bargain at a fiver)
Under Armour t-shirt's are class.
Under Armour Compression Top and shorts has a been a good recent addition too to wick away the sweat
Equipment is two weights from Decathlon and a foam roller from Amazon. Soon to add a mat to ease my back during sit ups.

Thanks again
Just looked through my posts in this thread and it's been a journey. I started running at 37yo in June 2018. I was 14st, chubby, with a BMI of 27.4 (overweight).
I'm 39 next month and despite a hip tear that kept me out for 7 months or so, I'm down to 11st 12lbs, soft around the stomach still but fairly lean everywhere else, and BMI of 23.2 (healthy).

I just read back my first attempt. Round the block (which was about 2.2miles) lasted 6 mins and I stopped about a mile from my house, and remember wondering why my legs had given up on me despite the fact I had plenty of breath. It was like concrete blocks on my feet. So I found slowing the pace down enabled my first to run a consistent pace and get to 1 then 2 miles distances. As I reached 3.5 miles, I encountered an injury - a tear in the hip/glute area that stopped me running for 7 months of so.

Cheers to people that advised on the importance of core exercises and perils of muscle wastage. Also for the recommendation to try and do fast shorter runs to complement the longer ones. In between my two runs a week, that would then slowly build up to longer distances, I bought two 5kg weights from Decathlon and created my own core and strength training plan - I just lifted some exercises from the below and put my own A4 page together. At first I did it all in one go, now I split it into two days. A foam roller has worked wonders too.

When feel fatigued from longer runs, I opt to do weights one week, and in the other, I do some of these (as well as a few sit ups)

I've just completed my 4th 10k in a month and run between 8.25-8.55 pace which is amazing considering I used to run 2 miles at 10.30/mi pace.

To help anyone else that might have been in my postion (starting late in life and from scratch).. as well as the great people of bluemoon, I also found this channel a real help for technique:
This guy was great for trainer review/advice:

My running gear is:
Nike Pegasus 35 trainers (my favourite bit of kit)
Hilly socks to stop blistering.
Decathlon Running Shorts (best bargain at a fiver)
Under Armour t-shirt's are class.
Under Armour Compression Top and shorts has a been a good recent addition too to wick away the sweat
Equipment is two weights from Decathlon and a foam roller from Amazon. Soon to add a mat to ease my back during sit ups.

Thanks again
Great post - well done
Don’t normally buy running shoes without trying them but needs must. Went for a pair of Nike Wild Pack Pegasus 2’s after reading some decent reviews.

Anyone had any experience with them?
Just looked through my posts in this thread and it's been a journey. I started running at 37yo in June 2018. I was 14st, chubby, with a BMI of 27.4 (overweight).
I'm 39 next month and despite a hip tear that kept me out for 7 months or so, I'm down to 11st 12lbs, soft around the stomach still but fairly lean everywhere else, and BMI of 23.2 (healthy).

I just read back my first attempt. Round the block (which was about 2.2miles) lasted 6 mins and I stopped about a mile from my house, and remember wondering why my legs had given up on me despite the fact I had plenty of breath. It was like concrete blocks on my feet. So I found slowing the pace down enabled my first to run a consistent pace and get to 1 then 2 miles distances. As I reached 3.5 miles, I encountered an injury - a tear in the hip/glute area that stopped me running for 7 months of so.

Cheers to people that advised on the importance of core exercises and perils of muscle wastage. Also for the recommendation to try and do fast shorter runs to complement the longer ones. In between my two runs a week, that would then slowly build up to longer distances, I bought two 5kg weights from Decathlon and created my own core and strength training plan - I just lifted some exercises from the below and put my own A4 page together. At first I did it all in one go, now I split it into two days. A foam roller has worked wonders too.

When feel fatigued from longer runs, I opt to do weights one week, and in the other, I do some of these (as well as a few sit ups)

I've just completed my 4th 10k in a month and run between 8.25-8.55 pace which is amazing considering I used to run 2 miles at 10.30/mi pace.

To help anyone else that might have been in my postion (starting late in life and from scratch).. as well as the great people of bluemoon, I also found this channel a real help for technique:
This guy was great for trainer review/advice:

My running gear is:
Nike Pegasus 35 trainers (my favourite bit of kit)
Hilly socks to stop blistering.
Decathlon Running Shorts (best bargain at a fiver)
Under Armour t-shirt's are class.
Under Armour Compression Top and shorts has a been a good recent addition too to wick away the sweat
Equipment is two weights from Decathlon and a foam roller from Amazon. Soon to add a mat to ease my back during sit ups.

Thanks again

Great post.
What was the hip tear btw?
I had (have as I’m pretty sure it can never heal as it’s cartilage) a labral tear (injected dye into my hip joint before going for a MRI scan). Conflicting advice but I think the latest evidence suggests running should help rather than hinder. Also told to strengthen the core which is why I joined the gym last year and got a program together. Also started yoga & Pilates. Hugely significant outcome from all that.
Running took a hit but I’ve reinstated that during the lockdown.
Used to be a keen runner about 5 years ago, nothing special just 5 miles about 3 times a week, average pace just under 9 mins, being 6 foot 4 and 16 stone with no ACL in my left knee I thought I was doing ok. Stopped running and took up going to the gym and that sort of grinding to a halt over last year or so.

lockdown happens and I decide to go out for a run, managed 2 miles at 10 min per mile,
started going every other day slowly getting faster and little bit further, got up to 3 miles and average pace of 9.36 per mile.

Went out for my run last Wednesday and had to stop after a minute due to pain in my back ,on impact of right leg landing, the pain was round my lower back near the kidneys sort of area. Been stretching and taking painkillers all week as back is sore but not in same position round the right hand side.

dont know if it’s where I haven’t run for years, generally have a bad back, or have just seized up due to being sofa bound most of the day when used to being on me feet all day(plasterer by trade)

Any advice lads ??

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