Running thread

Fancied a change today so did the 20 metre bleep test on the golf course, 9.2 was the level I got to, think my 20 metres was a bit over, just estimated it so will measure it next time properly, certainly made a change.

Apologies if I’ve missed this but what’s the keep test mate?
Apologies if I’ve missed this but what’s the keep test mate?
Shuttle runs, 20 metre distance and have to keep in time with the beep, gets quicker between beeps over time and you have to have completed each length before the next beep. I got to 9.2 yesterday, want to be around level 12 -13 though so doing it again in a couple of days.
Download the app or just the bleep test on iTunes.
I ran 12k this morning in the sunshine, through the countryside around Lymm, with a very pleasant breeze to keep me cool. I feel good after it, but quite tired.
I ran 12k this morning in the sunshine, through the countryside around Lymm, with a very pleasant breeze to keep me cool. I feel good after it, but quite tired.

You’re shaming me into going out now! Only gonna be 5k or half an hour mind.
Fancied a change today so did the 20 metre bleep test on the golf course, 9.2 was the level I got to, think my 20 metres was a bit over, just estimated it so will measure it next time properly, certainly made a change.
Thats good going. I get to that on a 15 metre bleep test. Im heavy though
I got up to running 20ks last weekend but Ive really hurt my calf, ive stretched, iced, compression socked, tense machined.. anyone got suggestions to speed the recovery up?
Shuttle runs, 20 metre distance and have to keep in time with the beep, gets quicker between beeps over time and you have to have completed each length before the next beep. I got to 9.2 yesterday, want to be around level 12 -13 though so doing it again in a couple of days.
Download the app or just the bleep test on iTunes.

The name of the app is 'SHIUTTLE RUN' (I'm on iOS)? Presumably been via phone (headphones) then peg it over 20 metres?
What's the purpose btw? I was reading about Fast Twitch muscles when I was doing the gym stuff and from what I've read, as you age you really want these to be sharp (I usually do fast WATT bike spins and jump up onto blocks).

Used to be a keen runner about 5 years ago, nothing special just 5 miles about 3 times a week, average pace just under 9 mins, being 6 foot 4 and 16 stone with no ACL in my left knee I thought I was doing ok. Stopped running and took up going to the gym and that sort of grinding to a halt over last year or so.

lockdown happens and I decide to go out for a run, managed 2 miles at 10 min per mile,
started going every other day slowly getting faster and little bit further, got up to 3 miles and average pace of 9.36 per mile.

Went out for my run last Wednesday and had to stop after a minute due to pain in my back ,on impact of right leg landing, the pain was round my lower back near the kidneys sort of area. Been stretching and taking painkillers all week as back is sore but not in same position round the right hand side.

dont know if it’s where I haven’t run for years, generally have a bad back, or have just seized up due to being sofa bound most of the day when used to being on me feet all day(plasterer by trade)

Any advice lads ??
I used to get a lot of trapped nerves there as a teenager, wonder if it’s that?
I got up to running 20ks last weekend but Ive really hurt my calf, ive stretched, iced, compression socked, tense machined.. anyone got suggestions to speed the recovery up?
Massage and rest
The name of the app is 'SHIUTTLE RUN' (I'm on iOS)? Presumably been via phone (headphones) then peg it over 20 metres?
What's the purpose btw? I was reading about Fast Twitch muscles when I was doing the gym stuff and from what I've read, as you age you really want these to be sharp (I usually do fast WATT bike spins and jump up onto blocks).

Just fancied a change really, see what level I could get to.
Did 10 miles yesterday, rest day today then bleep test again tomorrow I think.

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