4 miles as my week 8 run 2 HM training plan. Really struggled and almost jacked it in after 2.5 miles as passed end of our road. Pushed on to complete the 4 miles and put struggle down to eating and drinking too much crap over last 3 days.
I was doing my marathon training this time last year, and despite my determination to stick rigidly to the training program, there were some occasions when I just couldn't keep to it. The odd blip didn't affect my overall training.This was meant to be 11 miles and week 8 run 3. Knew before started wouldn't be that. 12 hours drinking at a wedding on Friday plus eating and dancing meant nothing in legs at all. Gutted that had to walk little bit and first time had to cut short a run. Got to 3 miles and knew didn't have much left so made decision to head for home rather than another 4 mile loop. Suppose can expect that now up at longer distances which never done before. Still 5 miles under belt which is better than nothing.