Running thread

Is the Couch to 5k worth trying as a start?
Can't recommend it enough, I started with the couch to 5k and haven't looked back, anytime anyone tells me they can't run and they have this or that bla bla bla excuse I tell them to try the couch to 5k , you will get highs and lows with it, days where you can't or don't think you can do it.
As a well known Turkish man once said " it won't kill you!!" And the highs are definitely worth the lows
Less than a month until the marathon. Long runs taking up significant chunks of the weekend, 35km on Sunday just gone, the humidity was grim, hated the last 5km. This is the final peak week before the taper. 84km this week including a brutal 37km run on Sunday.

Glad I got back into running though because the whole thing has been really rewarding.
Less than a month until the marathon. Long runs taking up significant chunks of the weekend, 35km on Sunday just gone, the humidity was grim, hated the last 5km. This is the final peak week before the taper. 84km this week including a brutal 37km run on Sunday.

Glad I got back into running though as the whole thing has been really rewarding.
What's your taper look like? I've done 1 or 2 marathons and never once felt like I had nailed the taper
What's your taper look like? I've done 1 or 2 marathons and never once felt like I had nailed the taper
First marathon I've done so i'm no expert.

This week is my highest volume at 84km.
Drops to 71km next week, 58km the week after and back up to 71km the week after but most of that is the race itself.

There's definitely an art to getting the balance right. Don't want to be heavy legged or too rusty going into it. Going off of my Sunday runs I'm more likely to be heavy in the legs, so the easy runs in marathon week are going to be really easy.
First marathon I've done so i'm no expert.

This week is my highest volume at 84km.
Drops to 71km next week, 58km the week after and back up to 71km the week after but most of that is the race itself.

There's definitely an art to getting the balance right. Don't want to be heavy legged or too rusty going into it. Going off of my Sunday runs I'm more likely to be heavy in the legs, so the easy runs in marathon week are going to be really easy.
Which mara are you doing?
Yep there's definitely an art to it, I always find that after having ran so many miles in the training block that having to take a rest and do short easy miles is a bit of a head fuck, your body is primed and then you tell it to not to bother for a week, chuck in a large dash of maranoia about things you wouldn't normally think twice about and you have a taper week!!
Some folk love it, some folk also love collecting stamps, not for me ta
Which mara are you doing?
Yep there's definitely an art to it, I always find that after having ran so many miles in the training block that having to take a rest and do short easy miles is a bit of a head fuck, your body is primed and then you tell it to not to bother for a week, chuck in a large dash of maranoia about things you wouldn't normally think twice about and you have a taper week!!
Some folk love it, some folk also love collecting stamps, not for me ta

Exactly this

ive done 5 marathons and feel i've never come close to nailing that taper

last marathon i though f*ck it , just train as normal, was doing 12-15 mile runs weekends before Marathon. still didn't work and got my worst time.
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Exactly this

ive done 5 marathons and feel i've never come close to nailing that taper

last marathon i though f*ck it , just train as normal, was doing 12-15 mile runs weekends before Marathon. still didn't work and got my worst time.
I stick by my theory of a perfect taper being run a marathon the week before, sounds daft I know but I've done it three times now and my time in the second one has always been miles clear of the first, went 12 mins quicker at London 6 days after Boston.
I put it down to being "relaxed" half the battle is being a little bit calm at the startline, at boston it was like the Olympics, multiple helicopters flying overhead, bussed out to the start in a police escort, bands and live TV stuff at full chance of being calm there.
Speaking of Boston, the qualifier registration opened yesterday for 10 days, needs to make my mind up pretty soon do I want to go again, or should I go for one of the others instead? Boston was an amazing experience and I would love to go back and get a better time, but it ain't exactly cheap and there's other majors I could spend the dosh on, decisions decisions always with the decisions!!
Which mara are you doing?
Yep there's definitely an art to it, I always find that after having ran so many miles in the training block that having to take a rest and do short easy miles is a bit of a head fuck, your body is primed and then you tell it to not to bother for a week, chuck in a large dash of maranoia about things you wouldn't normally think twice about and you have a taper week!!
Some folk love it, some folk also love collecting stamps, not for me ta

Chester, supposed to be a good one so looking forward to it.

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