Always fancied an event in one of the Scandinavian countries - embed one in a small break over there.We were in Norway at the weekend and it was icy as fuck. I went out for a run on Sunday morning and managed not to slip over. Some of the paths were like running on an ice rink. There were parts where I had to run through snow, which worked the legs like running on sand does.
I went to a floating sauna afterwards, which included jumping into icy water and it sorted me right out. I was buzzing for about 5 hours afterwards.
I can imagine the ice water being beneficial.
Was speaking to a fellow runner on the drive down to that Stockport race on Sunday.
We both do cold showers every morning (not together....) and neither of us have been hit by a substantial cold this winter (despite those close to us/family all getting floored by a few bugs).
Probably a combination of that and general fitness, but seems there's a lot to that and a strong immune system.