Running thread

FYI. One to look at.
I haven't run for years. Multi surface football and shin splints mainly I had it down to. I've done biomechanical assessments, gait analysis etc.
I had got a bit fitter the last couple of years and starting running a little in the gym. Fine. But then every so often my ankle would go. Like an Achilles problem or stress fracture.
The physio and GP sent me for an x-ray. Nothing.
The radiologist said have you ever been checked for gout. Lol. I was, wtf, I'm not Henry 8th...

Anyway turns out it was. Hereditary. Uric acid levels too high. Worth a check for anyone who can't find an answer....

I get your jokey reference to gout but, as anyone who's had the condition will tell you, it's no laughing matter. Despite a decent level of fitness and relatively healthy vegetarian diet for the past 40 years, I was diagnosed with gout in one of my knees of all places about six years ago. Frankly, the pain was excruciating and could be set off by so much as the bed sheets brushing against the affected area. That said, I've never suffered a recurrence and am unable to attribute the cause. Now that I've started running seriously, I'm hoping it never returns!
Marathon Plans are all well and good for some folk, but sticking to them can be tough, especially in summer, I've kinda ditched my marathon plan with runna, a mixture of CBA and having family/work commitments etc, none of us are the same so generic plans are not 100% the answer(that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!)
My theory on back to back Mara's is you always go faster on the second mara, it's worked for me 4/5 times now, so I reckon you will have a decent time waiting for you on the 2nd marathon.
Aye Valencia is rapid, but so is Chicago,
As someone whose never run marathon distance (but might consider it in the not too distant future), I'm intrigued by the various training regimes. One of my running buddies has taken the novel approach of running a 3.7k loop repeatedly until he hits the 26.2 mile mark and is doing so at least once a week! While admittedly a little eccentric, it does seem to be working for him as his time is coming down rapidly at each attempt with a Yasso estimate of sub three hours on the big day! Me, I'd be bored shitless at seeing the same scenery going past that many times. However, it clearly works for him.
I get your jokey reference to gout but, as anyone who's had the condition will tell you, it's no laughing matter. Despite a decent level of fitness and relatively healthy vegetarian diet for the past 40 years, I was diagnosed with gout in one of my knees of all places about six years ago. Frankly, the pain was excruciating and could be set off by so much as the bed sheets brushing against the affected area. That said, I've never suffered a recurrence and am unable to attribute the cause. Now that I've started running seriously, I'm hoping it never returns!
Mate. I couldn't agree with you more. My jokey reference was down to my surprise and ignorance. Rich man's disease, too much red meat, wine and mead.....etc
I couldn't put my foot down, I had to crawl on my hands and knees down the stairs and to the bathroom. Never experienced pain like it.
Sadly this was last May so also cost me trips to Istanbul and Wembley....

Interesting that you never found the cause. I attribute mine to a high level of stress at the time, combined with the inability of my kidneys to process the amount of uric acid. (They subsequently found kidney stones). And was told it was hereditary ( one of the first questions asked, has your brother/ father had gout?)
I also learned a lot about foods that can cause it. And it's not just red meat/ tuna. I talked to people that have gout attacks with mushrooms or onions for example....Glad you are back running....I'm just starting again.....
Mate. I couldn't agree with you more. My jokey reference was down to my surprise and ignorance. Rich man's disease, too much red meat, wine and mead.....etc
I couldn't put my foot down, I had to crawl on my hands and knees down the stairs and to the bathroom. Never experienced pain like it.
Sadly this was last May so also cost me trips to Istanbul and Wembley....

Interesting that you never found the cause. I attribute mine to a high level of stress at the time, combined with the inability of my kidneys to process the amount of uric acid. (They subsequently found kidney stones). And was told it was hereditary ( one of the first questions asked, has your brother/ father had gout?)
I also learned a lot about foods that can cause it. And it's not just red meat/ tuna. I talked to people that have gout attacks with mushrooms or onions for example....Glad you are back running....I'm just starting again.....
Likewise mate. That was precisely why, until the diagnosis, I never thought that the cause of the pain could be gout. Coincidentally, I was particularly stressed at the time and, like you, suffered from kidney stones around 18 months later (incidentally, by far and away the most excruciating pain I have ever suffered). While I'm unsure of my family history where gout is concerned, that inability to process uric acid must surely be linked if not causative.
Best of British with your running adventure and hope you stay healthy!
For those suffering from or get gout. Cherry juice is your friend guys. From a long time sufferer who hasn't had a bout for about 10 years now.
As someone whose never run marathon distance (but might consider it in the not too distant future), I'm intrigued by the various training regimes. One of my running buddies has taken the novel approach of running a 3.7k loop repeatedly until he hits the 26.2 mile mark and is doing so at least once a week! While admittedly a little eccentric, it does seem to be working for him as his time is coming down rapidly at each attempt with a Yasso estimate of sub three hours on the big day! Me, I'd be bored shitless at seeing the same scenery going past that many times. However, it clearly works for him.
That's pretty interesting, if I've read your post right your mate is doing a marathon a week? That's some going! How long has he been doing it for?
With regards to the yasso's I've never tried that actual session but have done similar stuff(only once on the track though) and intervals are great for building speed, it would be interesting to know how he gets on in a real timed marathon, as there's lots of aspects to it, fueling stamina speed etc etc etc, sub 3 is a monkey on my back and a tough nut to crack, closest I've done is 3hrs 14 seconds
That's pretty interesting, if I've read your post right your mate is doing a marathon a week? That's some going! How long has he been doing it for?
With regards to the yasso's I've never tried that actual session but have done similar stuff(only once on the track though) and intervals are great for building speed, it would be interesting to know how he gets on in a real timed marathon, as there's lots of aspects to it, fueling stamina speed etc etc etc, sub 3 is a monkey on my back and a tough nut to crack, closest I've done is 3hrs 14 seconds
Isn't it? For context, this is someone who once told me that he treats his body as a human laboratory! But yes, he's been running a marathon distance at least once every week for the past six weeks or so. That's in addition to some other fairly lengthy runs over a range of terrain - including fell - and a fair amount of cross training. Incidentally, well done on your PB which is seriously fast. I'll update you good people once he's completed his target race.
Isn't it? For context, this is someone who once told me that he treats his body as a human laboratory! But yes, he's been running a marathon distance at least once every week for the past six weeks or so. That's in addition to some other fairly lengthy runs over a range of terrain - including fell - and a fair amount of cross training. Incidentally, well done on your PB which is seriously fast. I'll update you good people once he's completed his target race.
Wow that seems like too much strain on the body to me. Most marathon training plans never train to the marathon distance. They maybe hit two twenty mile runs with lots of slow, interval and speed work making up the rest of the plan. If it works for him then fair enough but I would be very wary trying to use that as a template

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