Running thread

Wow that seems like too much strain on the body to me. Most marathon training plans never train to the marathon distance. They maybe hit two twenty mile runs with lots of slow, interval and speed work making up the rest of the plan. If it works for him then fair enough but I would be very wary trying to use that as a template
I agree, well kind of, there's lots of variables... Age is a big factor, a 20 year old would recover far quicker than a 45 year old, then there's what else he does all week, does he just top up the 26.2 miles with a few more runs?
I keep saying it but we are all different and generic mara plans don't factor a lot of variables.
Then there's the actual race predictors, I've done 3 marathons over 3 weeks and the race predictors do tumble as they think that you are getting fitter by doing more when in reality your getting weighed down by fatigue etc.
I'm not knocking Pete's mate, in fact the opposite, I hope it works for him, always good to see people thinking outside of the box and saying "fuck what everyone's saying is the way to do it I'm trying something different"
There's loads of folk that have crazy run streaks, I know a guy who did his 150th half marathon in little over 3 months yesterday, I bet his stats are through the roof and race predictors are mega high
Wow that seems like too much strain on the body to me. Most marathon training plans never train to the marathon distance. They maybe hit two twenty mile runs with lots of slow, interval and speed work making up the rest of the plan. If it works for him then fair enough but I would be very wary trying to use that as a template
That's exactly what concerns me but there's no deterring him. In fact, he did suffer a calf injury within the last three weeks but, instead of resting it, he attempted to run it off and is only now getting back to his insane routine (notwithstanding the obligatory marathon a week)! I do wonder whether a psychologist would have a field day exploring his motivation and sheer bloody mindedness! It's perhaps worth adding that he's one of the nicest people I've ever met with none of the more sinister traits often associated with someone so driven. It'll be interesting to see how he copes with tapering as the race itself draws near if, indeed, he's able to deviate from the regime employed thus far.
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