Russian invasion of Ukraine

And strangely one of the most successful US Presidents.
Tax cuts for the rich and tripling the national debt?
That is true but only because those in charge have a vested interest in keeping much of the population poor and uneducated in order to keep their own positions secure. They are not interested in developing their economy in any way that improves things for the majority.
Just like Reagan...
Think it should be Russia through the commandeering of their oilfields and gas reserves.
Maybe see what that did to Germany after WWI?

Ukraine needs a European Marshall Plan, with the promise of moving on to assisting a DEMOCRATIC Russia once Putin has gone.

Too often, anger and revenge brings out the stick, as opposed to the carrot.

Were this a popular Russian action, one might feel animosity towards the entire country, but it may well be the Russian Everyman that helps end this war.
Good news is they have no friends - bad news is that could move him nearer the big red button
TBH mate i seriously dont think he has the bollox,his army couldnt fight there way out of a paper bag,top comanders being fired others shot dead by snipers,its a complete shambles and all he has managed to do is murder innocent civilians, now is the time 'maybe' for NATO to turn this around with some serious statements,my guess Putin will be dead by the end of April
Maybe see what that did to Germany after WWI?

Ukraine needs a European Marshall Plan, with the promise of moving on to assisting a DEMOCRATIC Russia once Putin has gone.

Too often, anger and revenge brings out the stick, as opposed to the carrot.

Were this a popular Russian action, one might feel animosity towards the entire country, but it may well be the Russian Everyman that helps end this war,
Absolutely agree. Punishing Germans for WWI was the direct cause of the second. Rebuilding Germany post WWII, the Marshall
Plan and brought them into the fold!

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