Russian invasion of Ukraine

Quite right..the point is that Russia does not want NATO on its doorstep..literally all I have said is look at both sides, have a neutral corridor. Have peace. WTF is wrong with this ?? I guess many on this site have lost people in wars..My family come from that neck of the woods.all I have ever said is listen to both sides, stop fighting, have peace.
It is diddly to do with ‘NATO on the doorstep’
Norway is in NATO and has bordered soviet/Russia since NATO formation.
Turkey is in NATO since 1952 and bordered Soviet Union, and even had US nuclear missiles there. Cf Cuba.
Alaska is practically next to Russia.

The ‘neutral’ corridor you advocate, has been eaten away by aggression by Russia - in the Old soviet republics in the south next to turkey, TransNistra in Moldova, Crimea, Luhansk & Donesk and now the rest of Ukraine. It is that Russian aggression that has fuelled the ‘expansion ’ of NATO - as the countries joining fear the aggression of Russia, as demonstrated multiple times in Europe and Asia Minor. To say that it is NATO aggression leading to its expansion is hogwash.
Quite right..the point is that Russia does not want NATO on its doorstep..literally all I have said is look at both sides, have a neutral corridor. Have peace. WTF is wrong with this ?? I guess many on this site have lost people in wars..My family come from that neck of the woods.all I have ever said is listen to both sides, stop fighting, have peace.
“Both sides”? Who are you, Jeremy Corbyn?
I'm not interested in replying to @Berts Neck , but he gives a typical reasoning of an obviously poorly informed view.

The basic problem in his posts is his silent attempt
to handle justice and injustice in equal measure.

We must distinguish between aggressor and victim.
Just asking both sides to please stop war is a disgusting attempt to make NO whatsoever difference between aggressor and victim.

This idea was interestingly key to the US justification to fully support Great Britain against Nazi Germany in 1941 without becoming an active player in WWII (it was pre 7 Dec '41, Pearl Harbour).
(Exactly what NATO does today.)

The same reasoning was key to US chief prosecutor Robert H. Jackson at Nuremberg Trial 1945 about "crimes against humanity" and later became fundamental to international law.

Sorry to be a bit general but I thought it was important.
Quite right..the point is that Russia does not want NATO on its doorstep..

What was/is the real chance of Nato starting a war or invading Russia though?
Nato serves no threat to Russia what so ever. (Ukraine presented an even less threat)
Nato is a peace keeping alliance design to prevent an invasion, not to create one.

Wide spread corruption and a autocrat in charge is/was causing Russia's downfall.

This is an aging guy who wanted to leave a legacy. Taking Crimea only emboldened him to try for even more.
He doesn't care for the costs in peoples lives. Why would he?
He's been in total control of Russia for so long, that he has lost all sense of reality.
He has used the false fear of Nato as an excuse for his actions.

The people/soldiers of Russia ARE victims of his warped mind.
But not courageous enough to do something about it over the years.
So they have little sympathy from me. That is reserved for the poor people in the Ukraine thank you.
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Quite right..the point is that Russia does not want NATO on its doorstep..literally all I have said is look at both sides, have a neutral corridor. Have peace. WTF is wrong with this ?? I guess many on this site have lost people in wars..My family come from that neck of the woods.all I have ever said is listen to both sides, stop fighting, have peace.

Slava Ukraini.

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