Tucker will duckAs long as Putin doesn’t shoot his dog.
Tucker will duckAs long as Putin doesn’t shoot his dog.
Ducker Carlson.Tucker will duck
Should this nonce go unemployed there'll be a plenty of propositions from the cunts media
He is an embarrassing nonce ****.Fox is a perfect demonstration that if you mix politics with news you finish up talking complete shit.
Slava Ukraini! Glory To The Heroes!
As long as the matchday thread wankers keep awayBetter than watchin' bloody football this.
Hurra, Hurra for the yellow and blues!!
We've got a load of fruit that needs picking. That can be a start :)The funny thing is, you can actually see that happening. I think, more than anything, given their psyche as a nation, Russians will absolutely hate being a global laughing stock.
Just hope they aren’t too humiliated by this, as I don’t think that's in anyone’s best interests. They need to be given a path to rehabilitation.
the sending of arms is only prolonging this war, and causing the death of more people. The sanctions are counterproductive and causing even more distress. There needs to be another way around this, even if it means in the short to medium term in accepting things as they are.
(my views are not of the opinion of the nOnSCe Barcelona)