Russian invasion of Ukraine

The above is true but only after ruSSia sitting back and allowing Germany to attack and ultimately take over most of Europe, if they has joined the war in 1939 it would have been over much quicker. But we digress and I don't want to derail what is a great, informative thread
If Hitler hadn’t gone east and focused on invading us they would have won the war. Russia literally bled them dry, so saying Russia didn’t save Europe is utter fucking bollocks. The Yanks, as usual, turned up 3 fucking years late and if it wasn’t for the Russians, we would have been handed our arse. They’re intention wasn’t to save Europe, it was to save themselves, then destroy Germany as a threat. In doing so they allowed us to regroup, the Yanks to get off their money making arse and out a shift in. We stalled in opening the second front to allow the Russians to be weakened so if any post war, war, broke out we could do them. The intention was not to save us, but the outcome of them breaking the Wehrmacht’s back certainly did.

Maybe going back and reading what actually happened, might be a first step before you make totally horseshit assertions. Those who say they did, intentionally or not, know what they are talking about.
Britain was never the focus. Destroying communism and communists was. After victory in Europe was secured, Soviet soldiers raped, murdered and pillaged all across the Eastern European nations they 'liberated'. Those in Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine all suffered at the hands of their 'liberators' for many decades to come, and the Russians continued to be a blight on peace in Europe and the world to ensure their politics came out on top.

You seem to have forgotten that Poland fell to a dual attack by both the Nazi's AND the Soviets in 1939. Some 'saviors'. Had the British and Americans not opened up another front in Europe and North Africa, Soviet Russia would easily have fallen without Germany having to devote so much effort, troops and attention to North Africa, Sicily and eventually France. The Allies saved the Soviets, not the other way around, and then they tagged along for the victory parade. The Soviets didn't help Britain in those first 3 years either.

But yeah, sure, you go ahead and praise the rapists and violent aggressors, but don't dare assume that people who don't agree with you aren't informed, just because you hold the opinion that the Soviet Union was saintly during WWII.
Britain was never the focus. Destroying communism and communists was. After victory in Europe was secured, Soviet soldiers raped, murdered and pillaged all across the Eastern European nations they 'liberated'. Those in Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine all suffered at the hands of their 'liberators' for many decades to come, and the Russians continued to be a blight on peace in Europe and the world to ensure their politics came out on top.

You seem to have forgotten that Poland fell to a dual attack by both the Nazi's AND the Soviets in 1939. Some 'saviors'. Had the British and Americans not opened up another front in Europe and North Africa, Soviet Russia would easily have fallen without Germany having to devote so much effort, troops and attention to North Africa, Sicily and eventually France. The Allies saved the Soviets, not the other way around, and then they tagged along for the victory parade. The Soviets didn't help Britain in those first 3 years either.

But yeah, sure, you go ahead and praise the rapists and violent aggressors, but don't dare assume that people who don't agree with you aren't informed, just because you hold the opinion that the Soviet Union was saintly during WWII.
Take a day off. Every army that has ever been carried out atrocities snd rapes, including ours. Get your facts right and the fact you’ve gone down the rape road tells everyone reading this you’re talking bollocks. We have the blood of millions on our hands with the Empire. Millions being left to starve to death in India. So, before you seek the moral high ground do a bit of research on what that ground constitutes. You can’t let your hatred of a particular tribe mask the truth. And the truth is simple. The Russian war effort against the Nazis helped to save Europe. End of wether you believe it or not. Facts don’t give a fuck about how you feel. Or how you hate.
Take a day off. Every army that has ever been carried out atrocities snd rapes, including ours. Get your facts right and the fact you’ve gone down the rape road tells everyone reading this you’re talking bollocks. We have the blood of millions on our hands with the Empire. Millions being left to starve to death in India. So, before you seek the moral high ground do a bit of research on what that ground constitutes. You can’t let your hatred of a particular tribe mask the truth. And the truth is simple. The Russian war effort against the Nazis helped to save Europe. End of Esther you believe it or not. Facts don’t give a fuck about how you feel. Or how you hate.
"Take a day off?" You're the one who chimed in with your Sovietphile protestations. Are you seriously trying to justify the Soviets actions during WWII because "hey, everyone else did it!" Acknowledging that they did should be reason enough to condemn them!

I will never give that murderous regime any credit for their involvement in ending WWII, namely as their commanders threw bodies at the enemy with no tactical nous whatsoever. You continue to falsly believe that the Soviets were saints, meanwhile I and many others will look at the historical accounts, records and personal statements made by those who suffered at the hands of the Soviets during those years. In any case, this is not the thread to discuss it. I have zero shame or conflicting opinions about hating one of the most brutal regimes in recent history, one that continues to display it's ethics today.
Britain was never the focus. Destroying communism and communists was. After victory in Europe was secured, Soviet soldiers raped, murdered and pillaged all across the Eastern European nations they 'liberated'. Those in Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine all suffered at the hands of their 'liberators' for many decades to come, and the Russians continued to be a blight on peace in Europe and the world to ensure their politics came out on top.

You seem to have forgotten that Poland fell to a dual attack by both the Nazi's AND the Soviets in 1939. Some 'saviors'. Had the British and Americans not opened up another front in Europe and North Africa, Soviet Russia would easily have fallen without Germany having to devote so much effort, troops and attention to North Africa, Sicily and eventually France. The Allies saved the Soviets, not the other way around, and then they tagged along for the victory parade. The Soviets didn't help Britain in those first 3 years either.

But yeah, sure, you go ahead and praise the rapists and violent aggressors, but don't dare assume that people who don't agree with you aren't informed, just because you hold the opinion that the Soviet Union was saintly during WWII.
Crickey. Never realised that the Allies saved the soviets. Is that the same soviets who lost 50,000 men in six weeks to capture Berlin?
Crickey. Never realised that the Allies saved the soviets. Is that the same soviets who lost 50,000 men in six weeks to capture Berlin?
Would these be the Soviets soldiers who died, or the ones who survived and raped German women in retaliatory vengeance attacks?

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