Russian invasion of Ukraine

I was under the impression that the Nazis lost the WWII Russian campaign because they got bogged down in the atrocious winter conditions whilst on the march to Moscow, they mostly either froze to death or starved. Was easy pickings after that. Anyway, that's going off topic.
"Take a day off?" You're the one who chimed in with your Sovietphile protestations. Are you seriously trying to justify the Soviets actions during WWII because "hey, everyone else did it!" Acknowledging that they did should be reason enough to condemn them!

I will never give that murderous regime any credit for their involvement in ending WWII, namely as their commanders threw bodies at the enemy with no tactical nous whatsoever. You continue to falsly believe that the Soviets were saints, meanwhile I and many others will look at the historical accounts, records and personal statements made by those who suffered at the hands of the Soviets during those years. In any case, this is not the thread to discuss it. I have zero shame or conflicting opinions about hating one of the most brutal regimes in recent history, one that continues to display it's ethics today.
I’m justifying nothing, I am excusing nothing. I am correcting your narrative. That’s it. If you want to discuss history, take the time to know what you’re on about. You moved to atrocities, I told you, factually, rape and atrocities are a consequence of war and invasion and occupation and have been since caveman days. It’s even in the fucking bible written by the invisible man in the sky. Kill all the women who have known a man, the virgins keep for yourselves.

The only point I was making was to correct your false assertion fuelled by your hatred. Again, hate clouds truth and you clearly fucking show that.
Yet there are still those who praise the Soviets for 'saving' Europe.

They never had any intention of saving Europe; it was one set of cunts (Nazis) in war against an equally cuntish set of cunts (Soviets) and it so happened that the Allied interests aligned with helping out the one set of cunts we weren't officially at war with. It's no secret that the Allies hoped they'd both destroy each other.

Correct. Once the red army had booted the Nazis out of Russia, it then became a land grab for the Soviets inflicting misery on millions.

They liberated a British PoW camp and subjected the PoWs to interrogation for months before repatriating them to the UK.

Russian PoWs who survived Nazi camps suffering from manlnutrition were treated as 2nd class citizens on their return labelled as trators of the Soviets Union.l and struggled to find work until Stalins death in the 50s.
I was under the impression that the Nazis lost the WWII Russian campaign because they got bogged down in the atrocious winter conditions whilst on the march to Moscow, they mostly either froze to death or starved. Was easy pickings after that. Anyway, that's going off topic.
Russia used their winter. They retreated. In the Urals, they re armed and trained millions of men and women to counter. They had to hold the line and they did at Stalingrad. Massive human cost. We lost 600,000 including Empire troops and civilians. They lost 24m.

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