Russian invasion of Ukraine

George please go away (and that's me being polite). The Russians have treated their population as badly as they've treated everyone else. Stop derailing a very important thread on this website.
You obviously see what you want to. I am not defending Soviet Russia. I was pointing out an inaccuracy regarding their role in winning the war in Europe.
You know fuck all then. I don’t hate the UK. Quite the reverse. I just don’t pretend we are whiter than white.

The fact is though that the British did not 'invent' concentration camps. The Spanish got there first.
You know fuck all then. I don’t hate the UK. Quite the reverse. I just don’t pretend we are whiter than white.
We aren't whiter than white, but we have the ability to learn from history. From the evils of the slave trade we have progressed to a country that others the world over want to get in to.


The modern origin of the term comes from the concentration camps built by the Spanish authorities on the island of Cuba during the Ten Years' War ( 1869 - 1878 ), later imitated by the United States during the Philippine-American War ( 1899 - 1902 ). ). The English expression " concentration camp " became popular as a result of its use by the British authorities during the Second Boer South Africa, (1899-1902). Thus, the declared objective of a concentration camp is precisely to concentrate the population of a certain ethnic group or geographical region, in order to separate the enemy combatants from the support of the civilian population, also preventing them from rebelling.

Also lots of other sources stating the same.

Anyway, no more from me on this as it is derailing the thread.

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