Russian invasion of Ukraine

"Take a day off?" You're the one who chimed in with your Sovietphile protestations. Are you seriously trying to justify the Soviets actions during WWII because "hey, everyone else did it!" Acknowledging that they did should be reason enough to condemn them!

I will never give that murderous regime any credit for their involvement in ending WWII, namely as their commanders threw bodies at the enemy with no tactical nous whatsoever. You continue to falsly believe that the Soviets were saints, meanwhile I and many others will look at the historical accounts, records and personal statements made by those who suffered at the hands of the Soviets during those years. In any case, this is not the thread to discuss it. I have zero shame or conflicting opinions about hating one of the most brutal regimes in recent history, one that continues to display it's ethics today.
I’m not entirely sure what the pair of you are arguing about so vehemently. It’s fact that the Nazis had to fight on two fronts, West and East and ultimately that was a major factor in their defeat. Everyone other than the Nazis were fighting to save themselves even the Americans who had suffered direct attack from the Japanese.

it’s also factually correct to state that during ww2 Russian army committed more war crimes than the western allies at the order of their military leaders and government. If you look at history, Russia does have many examples of ‘scorched earth’ policies during warfare but the British are hardly innocent in conflicts in South Africa and as close to home as Ireland.

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