Russian invasion of Ukraine

If they push the Russians into Crimea and back into Russia in the north and east of the country, they need to have HIMARS sat on the border to counter any build up of Russian troops and equipment like they managed to do last February. To really piss them off get Ukraine in NATO, they wouldn’t chance their arm if they knew that America and Europe would then wade into any of their shithousery.
I think Ukraine becoming a NATO member will be some time off, even once the Ruskies are booted out of all occupied areas
I guess this means the Rooskies are prepared to abandon the 'cause' and leave the "DPR" and "LPR" to their own fate at the mercy of the Ukrainian courts once the area is retaken.
Talking of the DPR, has there been any recent update on the British soldiers facing the death penalty? Haven't heard anything for a month or so.
If Ukraine re-takes/gets Crimea, then there's no chance in the near future of Russia retaking it, as they'll just close/destroy the Kerch bridge, or mine it. And then have anti-ship and anti-airborne missiles along Crimea coast.
The long land border of the rest of the country (+ Belarus border) is where HIMAR's would need to be deployed in numbers - but with Ukraine likely to be in NATO (or even still without), they'll get intelligence on any future build up. As @cleavers alluded to, the invasion was known about as a possibility back in november 2021 (and probably far earlier), and became a certainty in december, as the troops built up on 'exercises'.
Wasn’t a certainty according to a couple of dozen people at the start of this thread. Go back and give yourself a laugh reading it. Where are they now?
Wasn’t a certainty according to a couple of dozen people at the start of this thread. Go back and give yourself a laugh reading it. Where are they now?
I will be honest and admit I didn't think Russia would attack. I couldn't see what if anything they would get out of it. As it was Putin though otherwise, but as regards my reasons for thinking what I did, I think I was spot on and Putin was incorrect in his assumptions with Russia only losing on all fronts, soldiers, economy and status.
I'm begining to think that the west may be doing a deal with Russia on ending this war. Something along the lines of withdrawal with enhanced regional assembly powers given to Luhansk, Donnetsk and Crimea with the ability for the pople of these oblasts able to call plebiscites on union with Russia in 15-20 years time if there is a demand for it.
There is a lot of mood music from big businesses who have links to Russia in recent times also Russia has stopped sending troops into Ukraine. I see quite a bit of debate along these lines on other forums too.
I only think Ukraine will agree if Ukraine is admitted to the EU and NATO as guarantees. There will be big issues yet to resolve WRT war crimes and compensation so any deal will be very very difficult.
I also can't see how Putin can continue as Russian leader either.
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