Russian invasion of Ukraine

Nice to see that the BBC takes note of Bluemoon and has begun to lose its pessimistic attitude. Tonight's coverage was much better although they seemed to be focusing on Bakhmut, the one place where Russia is making anything close to an advance however glacial.
I asked earlier in the thread, why are the russians doing this, whilst otherwise losing swathes of teritorry they had gained, and generally not defending them, it seems very odd to me.
100% Where are all these mysterious elite troops? The ones that dropped into Hostomel day 1 didn't manage against a less than prepared Ukraine. I heard someone say an 'elite' russian unit is pretty much a standard nato one. And the rest are well, we've seen.

His comment just doesn’t make any sense on any level.

It was a 3 day invasion, why would you hold back your best troops?

Ok assuming you did for some reason, why are you waiting 8 months for Ukraine to get more and more armed, train 10s of thousands of soldiers in NATO countries for 3 months each and then have them get battle hardened against your cannon fodder?

Ok assuming you kept them back, let Ukraine arm, train and battle test all their soldiers, why are you still holding them back now when you’re losing all the territory you gained in the first few months?

Why would you hold back your elite solider and cause riots and block the roads and borders with people fleeing the country because you need to conscript people?

It makes no sense at all but it comes from this old idea that the mighty Russia can’t be this bad…well they are. There is no trick. They “realists” who called it the second most powerful army in the world and predicted a crushing defeat? They had nothing to back up their theories except Cold War propaganda.
Armed with what? Bamboo sticks?

Putin has a very 1940's approach to war - overwhelm with sheer numbers of bodies. He is learning this is 2022 however - Enemy at the Gates would have been a different movie if the Nazi's had drones.

Now that the war is extending into their "metropolitan elite" who are fleeing the country they are having something of a brain drain - if he isn't careful he will use up his peasants in his army and be left with a country where brainy people are considered to be those who can make an Angel Delight. He didn't get his Blitzkrieg victories and inside a year it's the post D-Day break out through the Falaise Gap.
Putin has a very 1940's approach to war - overwhelm with sheer numbers of bodies. He is learning this is 2022 however - Enemy at the Gates would have been a different movie if the Nazi's had drones.

Now that the war is extending into their "metropolitan elite" who are fleeing the country they are having something of a brain drain - if he isn't careful he will use up his peasants in his army and be left with a country where brainy people are considered to be those who can make an Angel Delight. He didn't get his Blitzkrieg victories and inside a year it's the post D-Day break out through the Falaise Gap.
He's probably still being fed stories of glorious victories.
The target would have to be the USA. The other nuclear nations could do limited damage to Russia in a counter but they'd turn them into a sheet of glass so Russia have to try to destroy the USA before the USA destroy them.

If the west saw they were prepping their ICMs we would hit them first and hard before they could launch. A good number of the Russian mobile launchers will most likely survive first strike largely in tact, about 30% of their silos and most of their subs probably. If Russia counter struck at military targets they might have some luck in limiting a second strike but Russia isn’t exactly awash with military strategists but more akin to children with hammers so will probably go for cities… then Russia ceases to exists once the west second strike lands a few minutes later on their cities.

Depending on the fires from the cities it might be a nuclear winter scenario if they can’t be put out. That spells the end of humans. Best case scenario is 30% of the world population dies, mostly countries with food poverty today would be wiped out.

Russians are given the impression by the Kremlin they could largely escape a nuclear exchange - they alone would suffer 90%-100% casualties.

Probably best Putin just fucks his troops back off home really. Or someone puts a bullet in the cunts head. Give me a gun and a line of sight and I’d happily do the world a favour.

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