Russian invasion of Ukraine

That article was a long read with lots of unsavoury possibilities, but I actually felt encouraged when I read that key quote at the end.

Although not all experts were agreed, it seemed the consensus was that if Putin fired a tactical nuke, the response from the US would be (or at least should be) measured, specific and based on maintaining the moral high ground - effectively letting the world see how Putin has burned all his bridges.

That was also my take away. Proper academics and people who have dedicated their lives to understanding how Russia and people like Putin work.

Got to admit, didn't realise a tactical nuke isn't the Armageddon I thought it was, in terms of nuclear fallout?

Fucking terrible for the people on the ground, though!

Interesting the US strategy includes going directly after the source of the attack, even if hitting the Black Sea Fleet.
DNA was certainly the wrong term, their national psychology better reflects what I meant.

Raping and murdering folk isn’t normal, when it’s carried out on an industrial scale you’ve got to ask yourself what the “average” Russian is really like. They’ve got form here, doing the same in Berlin from 1945 onwards.

If you are saying they have the cultural values of arseholes, you might have a point. But it might also be something to with the structure and command style of their military.
That was also my take away. Proper academics and people who have dedicated their lives to understanding how Russia and people like Putin work.

Got to admit, didn't realise a tactical nuke isn't the Armageddon I thought it was, in terms of nuclear fallout?

Fucking terrible for the people on the ground, though!

Interesting the US strategy includes going directly after the source of the attack, even if hitting the Black Sea Fleet.
Yep. Interesting how one of the modeled response scenarios was nuking Belarus due to their alignment with Russia: the idea being that we don't upset Russia too much by doing it, but it serves as a reminder of what might happen should they push things too far.

I sincerely hope that doesn't happen - Belarus have struggled under the yoke of Lukashenko and should be given the chance to string him up.

Heard about this but was dubious,could be true.
What made me dubious,and I maybe completely wrong.
So if anyone wants to correct me,as always,please offence will be taken....I'm learning myself.
My understanding is....they could fly one of these to the Kremlin,'s a Stealth Bomber,right?????

Slava Ukraini.
This, its bizarre tbh, we look to be on the very edge of escalated conflict and yet nobody seems to care
What exactly do you expect the masses to do to influence it? We already oppose the invasion, wish for Russia to remove it's invading forces, are giving the Ukrainians support.

Running around screaming about it won't do anything productive. We must place our faith in the Ukrainian forces (who have done a stellar job thus far) in ending this. What's your alternative?

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