Russian invasion of Ukraine

Yep. Interesting how one of the modeled response scenarios was nuking Belarus due to their alignment with Russia: the idea being that we don't upset Russia too much by doing it, but it serves as a reminder of what might happen should they push things too far.

I sincerely hope that doesn't happen - Belarus have struggled under the yoke of Lukashenko and should be given the chance to string him up.
The group that came up with that as the preferred response were, I think, bonkers.
My next door neighbour kicked the cat, so I punched a friend of his, so as not to upset him too much.
When I say "no one seems to care" I mean hardly anyone is talking about it, I expect the masses to have fuck all influence on it, but might have thought the general public would be talking about it, which in my experience doesn't seem to be the case at all.
Debrecen and Pecs only sadly, was flat out working, taking drugs and drinking most of my time there (was quite young). Always planned to go back but not while these cunts are in charge.
Orban is a dictator but the older generation love him as he looks after him the elderly and gave them good pensions . Hope you liked the hungarian cuisine .
Orban is a dictator but the older generation love him as he looks after him the elderly and gave them good pensions . Hope you liked the hungarian cuisine .
Love a good goulash mate, we still cook one a week at home here, always loved the Hungarian street cuisine.
Yep. Attacking to form a bulge that will be cut off in two weeks or so's time.
If this is a deliberate tactic, it seems quite a clever one - which could end up teaching your enemy that it is pointless ever pushing forwards, against you make will more than likely just be big traps where loads of you get killed/captured each time.
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I honestly doubt any of Russias claims about strength, warheads, tank numbers, submarines. How did they maintain 6000 nuclear warheads through the fall of communism and years of no organisation that followed. They are sending 300000 convicts into fields with 5 guns, 1 ammunition magazine and no food or sleeping provisions. Those troops are posting social media directly to the world, exposing how poor the Russian army is. They simply must not have a proper army, or weapons, planes, tanks, missiles of any significance. We can only assume everything is either broken or already destroyed.

Their culture is built on lie upon lie, always to please the person at the top. He is fed so much bullshit he just keeps talking bullshit.

Can’t wait to see what happens as the winter kicks in.
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Yep. Attacking to form a bulge that will be cut off in two weeks or so's time.
Haha. I was already thinking of the Battle Of The Bulge, comparing Russia's mobilisation of unfit and underpar conscripts to the Volksturm (covered in last night's Rise Of The Nazis on BBC 4).

Another parallel, Russia's advance is making use of a lack of "western" air superiority. But that was a temporary thing back in WW2, due to weather conditions. Once they improved, the Nazi positions were razed from above. And let's not forget that coincided with Russia restarting it's push into Germany.

Here, I guess we're hoping for supply line issues, also that in case the Russians do take up positions, this opens opportunities for Ukrainian artillery. Either way, looks to me like Vlad knows if Sevredonetsk falls, then it's all over. But maybe, the east turns out to be a side show to what happens in the south this winter.

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