Russian invasion of Ukraine

One way or the other, Russia can never win this. They can’t be allowed to. They must be stopped. It’s been so encouraging to see that (it would appear) Germany was playing a long game, rather than hedging their bets. Western Europe is at war with Russia and needs to ensure that it is over as quickly as possible without crossing certain lines of engagement.
It is saddening and frustrating that the lines of engagement only exist for one side only. It seems to me that Ukraine is treading on eggshells but the roSSians have carte blanch to do what ever they want.
Lmao putin has been assassinating people at will in the West for the past few years he doesn't give a fuck about authorities.

Your whole post if pathetic if you was in a trench with me I'd slot ya.

Haha it was a pathetic response to a pathetic analogy but you’ve just topped it. Well done your the hardest on the internet today x
Russia has already not merely lost but been subject to an abject rout.

They've been humiliated in battle on multiple occasions and their armed forces have been reduced to an extent it will take years to recover, if they ever do. Their credibility is shot in the region, their economy trashed and Nato has expanded. Their air defence have been unable to protect their nuclear bases, and a long series of mysterious fires at key installations shows they don't control their own internal security either.

And that's before you consider something like 100,000 of their young men are dead.

Russia will never recover its losses; its population is declining and China is now pre-eminent in the region. That will likely never be reversed.
Think that’s all bang on the money. Putin is basically Peter Swales in 1979.
It is saddening and frustrating that the lines of engagement only exist for one side only. It seems to me that Ukraine is treading on eggshells but the roSSians have carte blanch to do what ever they want.
The Russians seem to think anything is fair game other than their nuclear armoury. I believe they haven't used that yet, not out of restraint, but out of fear of the consequent response from the west.
Not that bad surely? Putin hasn’t appointed Allison. He has however put large amounts in his back pocket. So, as you were: correct.
He’s allowed his ambitions, lust for glory and paranoia about ‘the enemy’ to overstretch himself to disastrous effect. And like Swales, he had no one around telling him to think again.
We in the West are as weak as shit. Apart from an elite few most would be fine with Russia marching through the Baltic States if it meant their Latte was still available .The Ukrainians are doing the hard work so we only have to deal with higher energy costs rather than a missile flying into the local primary school. The wokerati are already becoming bored with this unpleasantness and want it all to go away.

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