Russian invasion of Ukraine

Still on the fence with this Dam business.
Damage to the Dam is now forcing the Russians to move shitloads of equipment further South.
Hopefully HIMARS is awake.

Slava Ukraini.
The Dam being blown is a very sad day.
The Russians will have done it as a lot of Ukraiians in occupied Kherson Oblast on the low lying left/east bank will probably drown as a result in the flood that unfolds over the next 10 hours (5 hours already elapsed)
Latest news indicates 11 of 28 segments of the dam blown, turbines and transformers blown up with the charges left by the Russian when the right/west bank was liberated.
the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant upstream could/will also lose access to water for cooling as the reservoir drains away.
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I think this has to be the RuSSians.
I seem to recall earlier in the thread when there was the whole issue of crossing points, when the Antonovsky bridge was being hit by UKR in order to stop RuSSian supplies, that the Dam was one of the only other crossing points. Surely this has to make it a huge "risk" for them trying to defend their positions. If only to slow down any pending offensive.
Another benefit for them beign that the inevitable flooding and damage to UKR infrastructure may cause (their hope) a slight delay to any offensive...pretty much as the forays into Belgorod by the Free Russia lot takes troops away from main defensive lines.
Also perhaps a way of causing issues at the NPP in a less direct would the drop in water levels cause issues with cooling at the plant?
Still on the fence with this Dam business.
Damage to the Dam is now forcing the Russians to move shitloads of equipment further South.
Hopefully HIMARS is awake.

Slava Ukraini.
It would not surprise me in the slightest if blowing up the dam turned out to be a huge strategic blunder by Russia. Getting things badly wrong seems to be the only thing they specialise in.
It would not surprise me in the slightest if blowing up the dam turned out to be a huge strategic blunder by Russia. Getting things badly wrong seems to be the only thing they specialise in.
It is mate,they are in the shit on the left bank.
Waves apparently just short of 5 meters,in parts,and a flood area of 5km.
Said before,left bank is lower,which just seems crazy for the Russians to blow it.
Surely,you would move all your heavy equipment first?
Think the water gonna run for about 3 days.

Slava Ukraini.
There are suggestions that Russian incompetence and neglect may have caused the failure, rather than deliberate sabotage.

Which would be very much in line with everything that's happened in the whole war if true.

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