Russian invasion of Ukraine

seeing more of these reports coming through. Would make sense from a strategical point of view as it could possibly hold back sizeable Ukranian troops for a potential new Northern front which would have otherwise been allocated later on the East/South fronts.

Surely troops away from front line in occupied Ukraine = good for Ukraine.

I think it makes more sense to view this in terms of Russian warlords. A pool of ruthless criminals available to terrorise the Belarus opposition in case of uprising for Lukashenko, and protect Prigozhin from Putin.

But who knows WTF is really going on. The idea that it's a Russian strategic masterplan seems more than far fetched given their rank incompetence in every regard to date.
Most us feel for Hungary. The situation they are in and what happen 67 years ago in 1956 was a criminal shame. I`m 70 and have read and seen old grey pictures on TV of the uprising.

The world stood by and did nothing or very little to assist Hungary in its time of need. Having said that the world was a vastly different place back then. Hungary was in the Yoke of Russian influence being part of the Soviet Bloc. The USSR were stronger and the threat of Nuclear War was palpable. America and it`s allies had just come out of The Korean War and Vietnam War, with The Cuban missile Crisis yet to hit.

The Ukraine and other ex soviet bloc countries have broken or attempted to break free some being more successful than others. Russia`s attack on the Ukraine was wrong and the outrageous behave of Russia needs to be stopped.

As I`ve always said the Berlin wall wasn`t built to keep the west out it was built to keep the population in.

Again were are sorry what happened to Hungary but to help more then could of put everyone existence at risk.
Very good post mate
seeing more of these reports coming through. Would make sense from a strategical point of view as it could possibly hold back sizeable Ukranian troops for a potential new Northern front which would have otherwise been allocated later on the East/South fronts.

Haven’t the Belarusian soldiers fighting for Ukraine vowed to topple Putins sidekick who runs Belarus ?
Haven’t the Belarusian soldiers fighting for Ukraine vowed to topple Putins sidekick who runs Belarus ?
Yep, and the regular army vowed never to turn their guns on their own or Ukrainians, it’s very handy for Lukashenko having Wagner in the south of the country, the minute Russia’s invasion fails I’ve no doubt an uprising in Belarus is on the cards. What’s the chances Prigozhin is visiting prisons there before the end of the week?
Seeing as the puppet in Belarus is not fully onboard with Darth Putin.
What about the Wagner nutter exiled in Belarus, stirring the shit to change leadership. Leaving Belarus(now with Nukes)free to get onboard and Invade from the North with its own troops.
Just a thought. But with Russia anything crazy seems possible.
Nah, he’s a shithouse….only useful as somebody else's ‘wank mitt’. I reckon he was just looking for the next cock to suck….new paymaster
You still think I’m smoking da reefa? Wagner troops setting up camp in a Belarus forest as we speak

Yes, and I can't see any reason they'd commit to another invasion to follow the previous failed one, and surely having them away from the frontline is a good thing for Ukraine.

But I maybe need alternative stimulants.

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