Russian invasion of Ukraine

My bigger worry is that they then use this as an excuse to use small tactical nukes as their conventional arms are depleted...
Putin is weak and vulnerable. If it reaches the stage where he elects to go down this route, then I strongly suspect matters will be taken out of his hands internally.
Ukrainian Forces seem to be making light work of Staromaiorske,Donetsk Region.
I posted earlier there was nothing from Staromaiorske all the way to Mariupol.
I missed 2 trench lines about 12km to the South,but that is it.
Staromaiorske getting liberated will be a major breakthrough,IMO.

Slava Ukraini.
If the plant is in virtual shutdown there wouldn't be too much fallout, if (and its a big if) they're stupid enough to do it. There is no benefit whatsoever to them in blowing the plant, even as a false flag. Nobody outside their borders will believe it was anyone but them
The only benefit they require out of this is to make it look like ‘Russia Strong’ and not like they’ve run away with their tail between their legs when shit got real
He won't use nukes because of this. China is the only rich country to be favourable towards him and ultimately if the shit hits the fan its probably the only place he can flee to where he will be able to live and get the medical care he is reported to need

Just to calm some people down.

"The risk of a major nuclear disaster at the Zaporizhzhia facility is "very low", an expert has said.

Dr Mark Wenman, reader in nuclear materials at Imperial College London, said the design of the building and steps already taken to cool down the fuel reduced the risks, even if reports saying explosives are on the roof of reactors were true.

The reactor's robust buildings, made of 1.2m-thick reinforced concrete, are designed to withstand earthquakes and aircraft impact strikes.

Moreover, Dr Wenman points out that the reactors have all been shut down for many months, meaning that the fuel inside them is relatively cold.

"Any cold fuel, which is stored in concrete and steel containers outside on site, is too cold to heat itself and cause a radioactive release," he said.

It would take a very concerted effort to damage the containment building, according to Dr Wenman, and even if it was, the most notable isotope of concern to humans, iodine-131, "has all gone due to the time elapsed since the reactors were operational".

"Overall the risks are still very small," he added."

The theory is that the charges are just to make it look like a drone/missile attack on the roofs by the Ukraine.
My bigger worry is that they then use this as an excuse to use small tactical nukes as their conventional arms are depleted...

one small point, the explosives on the roof would be purely for faking impact of incoming fire.

any real explosions would be at the bottom.

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