Russian invasion of Ukraine

1. That makes more sense. Our chairman is also very much involving in running the UAE Government.

2. There does appear to be a Prime Minister in real life. The DPM role appeared only relatively recently. Prior to that I know there were Vice Presidents, which it was argued were more Charley roles, but pretty sure our "owner" is involved in actually running the country.
Look again at what our minister categorises as active in the decision not to take sanctions against Russia. Very vague which gives him the get out. I’m sure HMG have no desire to act against UAE or AbudhabI.
But law making is a separate issue from politics. In this case the question is whether Mansour was active in the decision not to sanction Russia. I think his lawyers would say he was not as he is not a member of the law making Council of Ministers/ Executive Council. Hint: all the press and our enemies go after the wrong man, which shows they don’t do the simplest of homework.
Remember I talked about fudging? The Cabinet is chaired by the prime minister who reports to the President. That is, the Emir reports to himself. The prime minister is not mentioned in the constitution.
It's irrelevant anyway. UAE isn't supporting Russia but it isn't sanctioning them either.
if the PL wants to destroy UK / UAE diplomatic relations for the sake of kicking MCFC then they are on a very sticky wicket indeed.
But then again if you look at the authors of those articles they are anti City journalists and frankly haven't got a clue about Ukraine - it's just a stick to use against us.
It's irrelevant anyway. UAE isn't supporting Russia but it isn't sanctioning them either.
As is their right.

I suspect they get quite a lot revenue from russia, and maybe it can't be fully replaced easily.

I've no idea why this debate is being had in this thread, the UK/UAE relationship is far too strong for the PL/FA to ruin it, and some shit journalists finding another stick to hit us with is about as relevant to Ukraine, as united are to winning stuff.
It's irrelevant anyway. UAE isn't supporting Russia but it isn't sanctioning them either.
if the PL wants to destroy UK / UAE diplomatic relations for the sake of kicking MCFC then they are on a very sticky wicket indeed.
But then again if you look at the authors of those articles they are anti City journalists and frankly haven't got a clue about Ukraine - it's just a stick to use against us.
We play arsenal tomorrow they will do anything to knock us off the top spot and get to the players
Evening Update - Abrams arrives...
67 tons it’s heavy but supposed to perform well in muddy conditions here’s hoping
We play arsenal tomorrow they will do anything to knock us off the top spot and get to the players

67 tons it’s heavy but supposed to perform well in muddy conditions here’s hoping
It's all about groud pressure, and the Abrams is the worst modern tank, so I can't see it myself. That said the mud season isn't that bad down south.
The Leopard 2 is actually amazing for it's weight only 100g more than the T80.
The power plants of the Challenger 2 is good mind and the Abrams is incredible. So it woukd take a lot to bog down both.
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As is their right.

I suspect they get quite a lot revenue from russia, and maybe it can't be fully replaced easily.

I've no idea why this debate is being had in this thread, the UK/UAE relationship is far too strong for the PL/FA to ruin it, and some shit journalists finding another stick to hit us with is about as relevant to Ukraine, as united are to winning stuff.
UAE import Russian crude at rock bottom prices, refine it and sell gasoline, diesel etc westwards at a premium.
It's all about groud pressure, and the Abrams is the worst modern tank, so I can't see it myself. That said the mud season isn't that bad down south.
The Leopard 2 is actually amazing for it's weight.

From reports I read the power of the jet engine in the Abram’s makes it good for soft mud but I guess it all depends how soft we’re talking

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