Russian invasion of Ukraine

My view on this war is the same as that of John J.Mear-sheimer. In fact, in the country where I live, the vast majority of people hold the same views as Mear-sheimer. Of course, I also know that this viewpoint is in the minority in Europe and America.

This illustrates the diversity of the world, perhaps.
Meresheimer is a Marxist supporter of Russia.
Russia's desire for territory is infinite, and this is not a secret. Ukraine is not innocent either. You need to consider some realities, such as extreme nationalists, color revolutions, and civil wars in Donetsk and Luhansk.

NATO's eastward expansion is extremely reckless.

In my opinion, yes, the United States should indeed bear the primary responsibility for the entire incident.

US: 50

Russia: 25

Ukraine: 25
Your cock a Mamie theory clearly doesn’t include the idea that people are responsible for their own actions.
Mearsheimer contends that the war is the West's fault, and essentially, that Ukraine should suck it up and accept Russian domination.

It's fair to say that he's come in for a lot of criticism

He's often reported as predicting the invasion in a now famous 2015 lecture.

He actually did the exact opposite.

In his famous 2015 lecture, Mearsheimer dismissed the idea that Russia would ever try to “conquer Ukraine” — arguing that “Putin is much too smart for that”. His view was that the Russian leader would stick with the goal of wrecking Ukraine as a state, to prevent it aligning with the west. Today, Mearsheimer is still arguing that Russia never intended to conquer Ukraine — an argument that seems hard to square with the columns of Russian tanks heading towards Kyiv last February.
The guy is the ultimate "Tankie" - everything is the West's fault
Even when it isn’t.
Which acts of genocide are you talking about?
Asside from the murder of civilians who support the idea of Ukraine in Bucha etc, there is the destruction of symbols of Ukraine, Libraries etc and the Kiddnapping of Children so they grow up as Russians. etc, etc. Not that i expect a tankie like you good self to believe any of it - you probably think Russia is still a socialist country when it is actually run by fascists and mafia bosses
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Its real, he said it as part of an interview with NBC.

BUT its very selective to make it look like he's begging when he's not, its in a section of the interview where he's suggesting alternative ideas.

The full quote was basically saying Ukraine has a budget hole due to the invasion, some money has been gifted from the US, G7 and EU. He's suggesting to literally use the interest from the frozen Russian assets and that would be covering a big chunk of the budget gap, He also suggests just using the frozen assets themselves. he then suggested if arms cannot be given to help set up co production facilities so Ukraine can produce it them selves. he then said if you cant give money loan it and they will be able to buy Ammo and defend the jobs etc, those jobs pay taxes, those taxes pay back the loans and allow them to buy more ammo from American companies...

One interesting point early on in this interview is him saying that for Cities that have air defence they saw a 5% growth in the economy of those Cities this year. He's asking to rent more air defence if needed, and asking to co produce it

So totally taken out of context then.
Asside from the murder of civilians who support the idea of Ukraine in Bucha etc, there is the destruction of symbols of Ukraine, Libraries etc and the Kiddnapping of Children so they grow up as Russians. etc, etc. Not that i expect a tankie like you good self to believe any of it - you probably think Russia is still a socialist country when it is actually run by fascists and mafia bosses

Do you think a half-literate post, in which you have just made shit up deserves a serious response?
Mikhail Filiponenko, head of the Luhansk “People’s Militia” has been killed in a car bombing haha fat boys a gonna...

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