Russian invasion of Ukraine

From "The Analyst":


Starting in the north, the Russians generally maintain their ‘wide war’ strategy of persistent attacks almost everywhere, but without really expecting to gain anything. It’s about harassment and attrition. The Russians have changed tactics for these by using ten man squads often with an IFV in support.
Further south at what was the Berkhivka front Ukraine has withdrawn to better defensive positions, having lost all of the gains it made through to June-July this year. This is quite a chunk of territory overall - more than has been gained at Robotyne for example.
Russian claims to have advanced north of Klieshivka and to have retaken part of the forest over the railway line in the north of that sector appear to be true.
Avdivka: Russian suggestions that they may be in the coking plant have been dismissed by some other Russian sources but with the odd proviso that Ukraine controls ‘at least half of it’. Ukraine hasn’t said anything about it and I’m not convinced the Russians are that far, we’d have heard far more about it.
There have been no apparent Russian advances westward from the northern pincer.
The overall situation in the sector of the northern pincer is critical. Further Russian gains here are going to be exceedingly difficult for Ukraine and they will be under huge pressure to maintain the front at potentially high cost. If they don’t hold this line Avdivka’s days are numbered, its position will become untenable. Having said that it appears counter attacks at Stepove have taken place.
On the southern pincer at Vodanye the Russians have lost a whole mix of IFV’s and tanks totalling some 22 units in the last two days.
Nothing much seems to have happened along the southern front, it’s not a key area for either side right now with their attentions drawn elsewhere.
Kherson front shows little change but OPSEC is a blanket on the Ukraine side with mappers and bloggers under reporting restrictions. The Russians themselves seem to be trying to admit as little as possible. However there are lots of complaints from Russian troops about failed logistics, lack of food and water, hardly any ammo and lack of coordination in support. How this is actually manifesting we just don’t know. It seems to me that Ukraine is exploiting the situation here to the best of its ability and doesn’t want the Russians to learn anything they don’t know already. The Russians aren’t as much hiding their position from the Ukraine side as they are their own commanders back in Rostov. Too many changes in commander make everyone nervous they could be next.
Overall a tense situation and you can’t help but feel something somewhere has to give if it’s to change.

Slava Ukraini !

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