Russian invasion of Ukraine

Because Putin and his mate frame the whole thing as a war against the fascists ..... a WW2 replay pandering to the Russian patriot. Its the same here with the 2 World Wars one World Cup brigade - thing is in Russia everything is still controlled centrally and here some can see around the jingoism and we are able to have and voice an opinion without fear of State retribution........ well for now at least
My comment on "why russia can't see" it though is more about the population, not about putin's rational.

As I said it already had a population issue before this kicked off, so sending more and more young people to their deaths, is making that far worse, whilst their elderly carry on being elderly, and eventually die.

The lack of males compared to females, is further preventing any increase in population at the very youngest end, 20 years from now their country (at war, or not) is fucked, there won't be any males to go to work, mate with, farm, or fight. It's a very strange philosophy for a nation to have, especially over a few hundred km of another country.

All this mention of them "invading" other countries, including even little Moldova, is just ridiculous. They've been trying to take Avdiivka for 9 years now, and yet have only progressed a few hundred metres at best in this "3 day war".
With hindsight, if the west reacted in 2014 to support Ukraine, it would have been relatively easy to push Russia out.
A lesson that needs to be learned for the future.

It’s very worrying for the world if the US goes down the path of America alone Russia and China are waiting for that scenario the world needs a strong outward looking US

China might be perhaps (though I think they're more interested in their economy), russia can't even win small villages/towns in Ukraine, I think the rest of the world should just laught at them, they are quite frankly like united, full of noise and bluster, but utterly useless, and getting more so by the day (unless they go nuclear (if they can - and I'm not convinced)).
My comment on "why russia can't see" it though is more about the population, not about putin's rational.

As I said it already had a population issue before this kicked off, so sending more and more young people to their deaths, is making that far worse, whilst their elderly carry on being elderly, and eventually die.

The lack of males compared to females, is further preventing any increase in population at the very youngest end, 20 years from now their country (at war, or not) is fucked, there won't be any males to go to work, mate with, farm, or fight. It's a very strange philosophy for a nation to have, especially over a few hundred km of another country.

All this mention of them "invading" other countries, including even little Moldova, is just ridiculous. They've been trying to take Avdiivka for 9 years now, and yet have only progressed a few hundred metres at best in this "3 day war".

That was the point I was trying to make.... they have the media and any anti-government propaganda sewn up so for now Russia doesn't see it or is sacred to voice it. I am becoming more convinced Putin doesn't want or expect to win but will be happy feeding into his meat grinder until he dies then its someone else's problem
That was the point I was trying to make.... they have the media and any anti-government propaganda sewn up so for now Russia doesn't see it or is sacred to voice it. I am becoming more convinced Putin doesn't want or expect to win but will be happy feeding into his meat grinder until he dies then its someone else's problem
A stale mate is a win for Putin, He will just tell the Russian population theyve stopped NATO..
Russia have been absolutely shite and Ukrainian’s absolute heroes. Unless Putin’s plan was to kill off most of the Russian male population, he’s failed on all counts.
Russia is recruiting as low as 18 yr olds Ukraine is still recruiting 24/25 yr olds I don’t think Zelenskyi will negotiate and Putin has failed imo
That was the point I was trying to make.... they have the media and any anti-government propaganda sewn up so for now Russia doesn't see it or is sacred to voice it.
When I said "russia" I wasn't meaning the population, I fully understand why they don't get it, I don't understand why the people in charge don't see that they are screwing their country for decades.

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